Making a New Friend

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    "Hey" A voice called.

Spencer was staring ahead with a blank expression on his face. It was a particularly difficult day for him. Each class felt like a space of heaviness.

"Hellooo" The voice called out again.

It wasn't very hard to tune out the teachers for Spencer. Most of them were boring anyway. His classmates usually left him alone.

"Sppeeennncceeeerrr" The voice sounded closer now.

Spencer let his eyes come into focus on his classmate. The boy's smile grew wider once he saw he had gained Spencer's attention.

"I thought you were a lost cause for a minute there." He moved his hands behind his back and clasped them together. "Everyone is picking partners for our projects. Do you want to be my partner?"

Spencer blinked.

"What project?"

"The one she just spent about 20 minutes explaining." The boy chuckled. "You were really distracted huh?"

Spencer scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed that he was caught so blatantly not paying attention.

"Yeah... Um, I guess I can be your partner, you'll have to tell me about the project though..."

The boy was visibly happy to have not been rejected and pulled a desk over to Spencer's. He excitedly told Spencer about the class breaking up into pairs and picking an animal that they'll have to research together and make a presentation on. Spencer watched as he prattled on about the different animals other people were doing.

"So, what animal should we pick? I was thinking maybe Cheetahs. Ooo, or Otters! Oh, oh or maybe a Hummingbird!"

Spencer chuckled a bit at the boys sporadic train of thought.

"Those are all very different animals."

"I knooow. But, they're all so awesome! I can't pick just one."

"Hmm" Spencer thought for a moment. "Why don't we pick the Hummingbird? I'm sure there are a lot of other people that want to pick Cheetahs or Otters."

The boy gasped.

You're a genius Spencer!"

Spencer shook his head a bit.

"Definitely not." He would have found a way to be with Ryan if he was a genius. Instead he's stuck in another state, unsure of how to get ahold of Ryan. Sure he could send a letter, but he hadn't even gotten the first two. Spencer started to feel a wave of loneliness and sadness, the kind that he was
starting to unfortunately get used to.

The boy seemed to notice the shift in Spencer's mood and spoke in a hushed and concerned tone.

"Spencer, are you ok? If something is making you sad , you can talk to me. I'm not super smart like the adults, but I can try my best."

Spencer looked at him and shook his head again. No words could escape his lips. He was grateful for the offer and was starting to feel worse that he didn't know the boy's name.

"Ok, well, let's draw pictures instead of doing research until you feel better."

Spencer gave a small nod. The two of them getting clean pieces of paper and their pencils before drawing what their minds could conjure up. After a few minutes Spencer took a deep breath and had
the courage to speak again.

"I... I um don't know your name."

The boy blinked then chuckled.

"I'm Jordan! I totally forgot to properly introduce myself."

Spencer smiled a bit.

"It's nice to officially meet you Jordan."

"It's nice to be officially met." Jordan smiled. "And it's nice to see you smiling again. You have an awesome smile!"

Spencer felt his face heat up. People have complimented his smile many times, but for some reason, hearing it from Jordan made him feel warm. A feeling similar to that of when Ryan would. Spencer smiled a bit more feeling that cold loneliness and sadness slowly melt away.

"Thank you Jordan."

One of a Kind, The Search [Ryan/ Spencer]Where stories live. Discover now