My Very First Letter

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5th grade was a tough year for me and my family. The tension between my mom and Evelin was starting to grow beyond repair. Ryan had been sent off and to a boarding school and it was a slap in my mom's face. Ever since we found out that Ryan and I were soulmates, Evelin had been acting strange and definitely shady.

Before the summer was over Evelin had sat down with my mom for an hour or more, going through the brochures of the local middle schools. They spent time trying to decide which school they were going to send both Ryan and I. She knew how much it meant to Ryan and myself. Yet, there we were, Ryan out of the state in boarding school.

The first time I got his letter it made me ecstatic. Especially since we didn't have the chance to say our goodbyes. I still replay that time over in my head.


It was a Friday afternoon when Spencer arrived home from his 5 th day of 5 th grade. He was still emotionally drained from the betrayal of Ryan's mother. He sluggishly got off the school bus and sighed as he made his way over to his mom, Ginger, who was waiting at the end of their driveway.

"Hey Pen, welcome home baby boy." She greeted as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "How was your day?"

"I miss Ryro ..." He muffled.

"I know, we do too. I know what will cheer you up though."

"You do?" He asked looking up at her.

"Yep, you got a letter in the mail today."

"I did?" He stood up straight.

She smiled and nodded.

"It's on the table with your snack."

Spencer ran inside and to the table in their dining room. He dropped his backpack next to his chair and picked up the letter placed beside his snack plate. The letter was addressed from Ryan at the Becket school for boys in Indiana, to Spencer. He squealed with excitement as he opened the letter and sat down reading the letter to himself.

Ginger came inside and closed the door behind her. She made her way to the kitchen that was connected to the dining room, and started to prep for dinner.

"What does your letter say?" She asked as she pulled out the seasonings she needed.

"He's in Indiana and he hates it. He has to share a room and they're being mean to him. AANNNDDD they make him cover his soulmark !" Spencer said as he finished up reading the letter. He placed a kiss on his own soulmark before getting his notebook out of his bag.

"That's horrible. Do you want to send him a letter back?"

"Of course! I'm writing it now mommy." Spencer got out his pencil case and got to work writing his letter, taking a bite of his apple slices.

"Ok, once you're done, I'll get an envelope and stamp for you."

"Thank you, mommy." Spencer said before focusing fully on his letter.


Dear Ryro,

I'm sorry your mom and dad lied. Mommy was really sad that your mom lied. I'm really sad that you're gone and that those boys are mean. I'll beat 'em up! They shouldn't make you cover your soulmark , it's super important! When I get really sad during the day, I kiss my soulmark . Like now, I kissed it. Did you feel it?! I can't wait for you to come back, we can do so much! Daddy got me a drum kit that is for my size. He's gonna teach me on the weekends! When you come back, I'll play a song for you. I miss you so, so, so, so much. I don't think I'll have another best friend. You're my bestest friend ever! I hope I get another letter from you!

Love Spency!


Spencer grinned and held up his letter up in the air in triumph.

"I'm all done mommy!"

"Give me a second Pen." Ginger called out as she made her way from the kitchen to the home office. She got an envelope and a stamp and walked back to the dining room. She stood beside Spencer and began to fold then tuck the letter into the envelope. She sealed the envelope then turned it over and put on the stamp. She placed the envelope on the table and taught Spencer how to write the sending and return address. Once it was done and ready for sending, they walked outside to the mailbox and placed it inside. Spencer popped the little red flag on the side of the mailbox up before returning inside with Ginger.

With his letter all set for sending to Ryan, Spencer happily started to work on his homework.  

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