Loss of Spark

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 Weeks passed with no word from Ryan. Spencer had begun to feel drained as the mundane routine of his life kept unchanged. His parents tried to get him into different activities, but the dread and discomfort they felt in their own home was weighing on them as well.

They were so glad that the boys had found each other. Some people never meet their soulmate, or meet them late in life. But Spencer and Ryan had managed to meet and connect at a young age. Now they were torn apart and Spencer's parents felt terrible that they couldn't do much to help their son.

Ginger couldn't stand outside for long without feeling the bitter and judgmental eyes of her ex-friend and her religious husband. She had to talk down Lloyd more times than she could count since Ryan was sent away. She was usually a very loving and understanding person, but the hurt she felt was so strong that she couldn't bring herself to love and care for her old friend. She had tried to stay cordial, but things were escalating and getting beyond her control. Ginger couldn't stand seeing her son so drained. He seemed to have lost his spark. Lost the sparkle in his eye and passion in his heart.

Spencer stopped trying to learn the drums and would only go to school, come home and do his homework, eat dinner then go to bed. Lloyd tried to get him to play but he would only mumble that it was no use, that Ryan didn't love him anymore, that he'd never see Ryan again, what was the point in learning, what was the point if he couldn't play a song for Ryan. No matter what Lloyd or Ginger said to comfort him or encourage him it was met with monotone dismissal or mumbled comments.

Lloyd and Ginger knew, something had to be done. And it had to be done soon. For their own sakes, and for Spencer's.  

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