Chapter 16 - Back to the Andean Mountains

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Whytuya boarded the Portuguese squadron commanded by Christopher Jacques at the end of the year 1526. There was no news during the Atlantic crossing. The route to the southern hemisphere was quite quiet and known to the Lusitanians. It arrived once more in the bay of the Tupinambás after three months of sailing and more than five years of absence. The Portuguese squadron was garnished with a ship and five caravels. The Lusians crossed the ocean heavily armed for possible confrontations with French and English pirates. And to fight native rebels, which often happened.

The kingdom of Portugal had decided to colonize Brazil, definitely. It was the coast guard expeditions. After almost 30 years of inactivity in the newly conquered territories, the French had taken over the Brazilian coast. They became friends of various indigenous coastal nations and made a kind of trade with these peoples for decades. Naturally, they made many enemies of the Portuguese Crown among the native population of Pindorama.

In the early 16th century the Lusitano focus was still India and the countries of the East. they explored prosperous cities like Calicute and Goa. The Portuguese rulers sought economic stability in the east. But it was a vast territory. There were many resources and commodities, but more logistics and intelligence were required to subjugate the Indian people. And there was still the Cape of the storms, or of the Good Hope, as it was better landed among the sailors.
The shortage of reliable and competent men, and the prospect of a more consolidated autonomy in the East made Brazil a good project for the near future. India and the countries of the East, despite being better organized and resisting the Lusitanian attacks, justified the large investments of the company in ships, weapons and trained personnel. All efforts were directed towards this goal. It was one thing or another. There were no resources for both projects.

Portugal had opted for India and other eastern nations because of the ease and abundance of valuable goods. But now, there were other interests on the agenda. Foreign invasions were intensifying in Brazil. There was the thriving business of African slavery and promising cane sugar. They needed to react.Many days ago, in Pindorama, a wizard Tupinambá, had a vision during a dream. There would be a great reunion. On the day of the arrival of the Portuguese ships, Caramuru, Taparica and Tremembé were already waiting for him on the cliffs of the entrance of the bay of Tupinambás. It was a moment of joy. They signaled with smoke indicating a good place for anchoring. A group of canoes with assistants Tupinambás helped in the landing of the crew and of the presents to the village.

But Whytuya would not stay there for long. This time, he would continue with the European ships to the south of the continent. The expedition of Christopher Jacques had the objective of guarding the newly discovered ports of Brazil and protecting its borders, as far as it delimited the treaty of Tordesilhas signed between Spain and Portugal. It was a mission specially engineered to drive out undesirable aliens from the shores of the new colony.
Before he left, Diego Álvares, the Caramuru, called Whytuya to tell him something in particular. It was a secret whose contents Taparica had not yet authorized to be revealed. But Caramuru did not follow the rules of the Tupinambás. He was willing to risk his own life. He was sure that Whytuya would help him solve an old matter. He met his Andean friend on the beach, bathing in the warm waters of the tropics.

- Friend, the French are in the Paraguaçu River. Those same scoundrels who took him five years from here. They just arrived. A few weeks ago they entered the bay from behind from the island, on the false bar. Some relatives of Tremembé, seafood fishermen, spotted them entering by the mouth of the river, but managed to escape before they were captured.
They're carrying the log ships from the paint stick and a lot of animal skins inside the bay, in a village deep in the river. It seems that there are two or three great galleons. It would be a good opportunity to give them a deserved revenge. Taparica knows, but prefers to remain indifferent. I think he is afraid that the mairs kidnap someone from his family. He won't react unless we incite them to war.

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