O.S Calm, cool, and Coffee?(Creek)

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 this creek one shot (came out better than I expected) is dedicated to creepyrhiana_MID for requesting this Creek one shot! Okay song is All we are by no other than ONE REPUBLIC FUCKING LOVE THEM.... Okay The lovely couple at the side anime style:)


Craig P.O.V

Clyde handed around the papers. "Thanks, dude I fucking hate English class, but I can't fail this year," I said with a dull smile. He nodded. "by the way how'd you break into the bitch's class and sneak the answers?" Before he could answer a squeak and soon to be an explosion from Tweek interrupted him.

"Nrr! Cheating! We're cheating! Too much pressure man!" He screamed twitching and shaking. I rolled my eyes. Damn was this kid getting annoying. Token laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry man, I won't use 'em." He said plainly. I shot him a death glare but he shrugged it off.

"How 'bout you Jimmy gonna wuss out like Token here?" I said. He immediately shook his head.

"N-no way man, I'm already failing I need an A on th-this test. I mean c-come on." I smirked knowing everyone here wanted to use the cheat cheat besides smart ass Token, who probably didn't need them and pussy Tweek.

I got closer to Tweek with my middle finger up. I gently pushed him back. "You're not gonna.... Rat on us right, Tweekers?" I whispered menacingly. He immediately twitched.

"Ah! You only call me that when you're gonna kick my ass. Nrr! No, I won't tell, argh!" I smirked stepping away from the blond who was barely shorter than me.

"Awesome, come on guys the bell's gonna ring." I pulled my chullo hat down a little and walked ahead of my gang. "we have a test to ace." I smirked gripping the sheet.


Dad tugged his orange hair stepping on the breaks. "Okay, Craig get out." He said bluntly. I rolled my eyes flipping him off. He flipped me off too with a silent wave. Dad was never too good with all the affection crap. I gave an ironic smile, here I was complaining but shit did I suck at the affection crap too. I chuckled to myself counting the several girlfriends I had. I only cheated when I felt like they weren't doing their job right. I scoffed at the idea how was I supposed to know what love felt like when I never really received it.

I pushed the door open to South Park High. An announcement immediately made me bite my tongue. "Craig Tucker, Jimmy Vulmer, Token Black, and Clyde Donnavon to the principal's office immediately!" I began to run gripping the straps on my backpack. That blabbermouth.

I was greeted with frowns and a twitchy whine from Tweek. "Now Craig, I've been told that you boys snuck into your teacher's office and stole the answers to yesterday's test?" I gulped hard knowing what I had to do.

I took off my hat looking down. "M'am, Clyde was the one to sneak into her classroom and stole the answer sheet." She looked at me for a few more seconds then faced Tweek.

"Is this true Tweek? Was Clyde the one who stole the answers?" She asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"Ah! Ye-yes but..." She nodded motioning for him to stop speaking.

"Boys you can leave, Clyde you're suspended for a week. Now please, get to class." She sighed.

We all turned to Tweek who was sipping a cup of coffee. I threw it out of his hands. "DUDE THE FUCK!" I screamed. He screamed stepping back.

"AHH! Sorry, I couldn't handle it!" He screamed twiddling his thumbs. I frowned bigger as Clyde stepped forward.

"Dude, one week! One week I'm suspended because of your stupid big mouth!" He bit his lips walking away with his middle finger up. "go to hell." He whispered.

"That's it Tweek, you're way too lame to hang out with us," I said. Jimmy nodded looking away as Token kind of shrugged. Tweek looked away.

"Ah! B-but. Nrr!" He screamed. I blocked him out as we went to our class. Too bad fucking Tweek sat next to me in that class.

I hesitantly sat down as the bell rang. We all either avoided Tweek or gave him nasty glares. He'd always yelp when we'd glare. I wanted to cuss him out but I didn't want to hear his shit. The teacher passed out a paper. I quickly scanned it seeing it was a two person project. I looked to Clyde who nodded. I had my partner.

"Students, we will be doing a diorama on one event in American History so please partner up with the student next to you and get started!" I sighed sinking into my chair. I raised my hand. Our teacher quickly came over to me.

"Uh, my partner's absent today... You know Red she sits to my right." I said nervously. His expression stayed motionless.

"Than you can partner up with Tweek, he does sit next to you. You know to your left." I sighed gripping the paper in my hand. He faced the class speaking again. "Okay, it's a simple project so you will give a one-page summary tomorrow and the project will be due Wednesday, two days from today. I do recommend you meet your partner after school!" I buried my face into my arms my forehead on the hard desk.

I walked at rapid speed. Tweek followed behind me out of breath. I didn't feel like looking at him, acknowledging him, let alone working with him. I was running to my house at rapid speed and when I reached the door I stopped. I fiddled with the keys and that gave Tweek the chance to catch up, damn I wanted to lock him out. I sighed sitting on the couch turning on the T.V. He stared at me awkwardly as I looked past him to the T.V.

"Uh, so... Agh! I was thinking we do the... Ah! Sc-Scopes Trial... AH!" He said. I remained silent. "We should start on the diorama it's due soon. Too much pressure!" He yelled. I cringed at his scream. "A-are you listening!" He screamed. I turned off the T.V

I stared at him with my dull expression. I blinked getting up and slamming the remote against the wall. He twitched again. "Damn it! I thought I could fucking trust you! Why the hell did you do this shit! Why the fuck are you here to screw me over again!" I screamed. He yelped looking away. I was breathing hard staring him down for an answer.

He looked to the floor answering meekly. "I was scared..." He whispered. I bit my lip looking away. Tears were in his eyes no way was he guilt tripping me. "Besides I didn't want you guys to get in trouble later, the punishment would be w-way. Nrrr, worse..." My shoulders eased a bit. Tweek cared that's why he did this? "When I get scared I do anything to st-stop it. I-I'm sorry. Ah! It was selfish." I looked at him as he began to cry. I looked down feeling like an ass.

I sighed putting a hand on his shoulder. "Then I'm sorry dude... I scared the fuck out of you..." I kind of chuckled at the thought. "twice in one week. I scared the fuck out of you twice in one fucking week. We cool?" I asked. He nodded as I brought him into a hug.

"Hey, why do you care?" I whispered into his ear. He tore away biting his lip. I gave him a confused look and he blushed. "the fuck?" I whispered.

He scooted away from me. "Ah! No... You're just my friend I care..." He said. I continued to give him a confused look as he turned red trying to hide his face. "Ah! I'm sorry!" He yelped. I smiled realizing something. Even after all the shit I put the poor guy through he still cared unlike every other asshole in my life Tweek cared and now he was acting like a fucking weirdo. I smiled looking at his red face. It was fucking hilarious.

"Hey... Sit down." I said looking away. I was suddenly a light pink color. He did as he was told. I gave him a hug and when we broke apart I was looking at his green eyes and his red face. My lip quivered as I found myself unable to break away. I closed my eyes as I pulled him closer.

I opened my eyes to see Tweek's mouth still open from the kiss and awe. I smiled at the look. "I'm not good at this but... I'll think about letting you ace our diorama." I smirked. He smiled nodding.


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