Chapter fourteen

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A few months later

Michael waited outside by the bike racks for Luke, who was usually on time now, but today he wasn't. Michael didn't think much of it because it was only a matter of minutes before Luke walked through those doors.

"Sorry, Mike," Luke said, they had been on a nickname basis now since they've been hooking up. "I've had a stressful day."

"It's alright," Michael said and he hopped onto the handle bars of the bike. Luke rode to his house and walked in with Michael.

They headed up to Luke's room which had been where they were not studying- or, making out for most of the two hours. Michael sat on the bed and Luke was about to push him back on the bed but stopped him. "We have to do more studying that usual today... Exams are in a few weeks and you need to pass them in order to graduate."

Luke sighed and sat down. He grabbed his backpack and pulled out a crumpled paper. "I think I'm good," he said and handed the paper to Michael.

Michael straightened it out. "An A-!?" He gasped.

"Yeah no biggy," Luke shrugged and laid back on the bed.

Michael jumped up to his feet. "No biggy? This is the first A you've got, like, ever!"

"Is everything okay up there you guys?" Liz called from downstairs.

"We're good!" They replies in union.

Michael sat on the bed. "I'm so proud of you. You've been working hard."

Luke smiled at the smaller boy. "Thank you. Does this mean I can kiss you now?"

Michael smiles and shook his head. "Five minutes."

Before Michael even finished his sentence, Luke has already pulled him to him, presses him onto the bed and kissed him deeply.


Michael woke up to the sound of tapping. He rubbed his eyes and figured it was just a dream and rolled over, trying to fall back asleep. That was until he heard it again. He sat up and listened to where it was coming from; the window. He slowly got out of bed and peaked out from behind the blinds. He squinted through the darkness too see a tall skinny figure. Luke.

Michael waved before disappearing. He threw on his slippers and quickly but quietly headed down the steps. He opened the front door and crept out and to Luke.

"What are you doing here? Do you have any idea what time it is?" Michael asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Yes. It's two in the morning on a Wednesday night," Luke answered.

"So why are you here? We have exams tomorrow! Are you nervous? Did you want me to go over some more notes?" Michael asked and hugged himself as he felt a breeze just through his long t-shirt.

"No, I'm not nervous. Not when I have you helping me," Luke answered. "I just wanted to see you."

Michael felt butterflies at the way Luke said that, but shook it away, as he was still confused. "I-."

"Come with me," Luke said and got back on his bike.

"Luke, it's freezing out here, and late, and exams, I just, this isn't a good idea," Michael protested.

"Here," Luke said and took off his leather jacket, handing it to Michael who quickly slipped it on. "Just come on. It won't take long."

Michael knew there was no way of getting out of this. He hopped onto the bike and Luke drove off to a park. He sat stopped the bike at a bench that over looked a pond. Michael took the stop as a cue to get off so that is what he did. Luke got off too and sat on the bench.

"Okay, what are we doing here?" Michael said looking around. They were in a pretty safe neighbourhood, but he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Sit down," Luke said and Michael complied.

"This is a very special bench, y'know?" Luke said.

Michael looked at Luke. "So, you pulled me out of bed to show me a special bench?"

"It holds a lot of memories. I met Calum here, he fell off his bike right there," Luke said and pointed.

Michael laughed. "I'd like to of seen that." Luke didn't answer. "You miss them, don't you?"

"Sometimes. But I don't like what they did to you," Luke said.

Michael sighed. "I'm sorry."

Luke shook his head. "I'm not here to talk about that. I had my first kiss on this bench. With a girl. I was eleven. I came here and cried the night when I finally came to the conclusion that I was gay, I came here the night I came out to my parents."

"Okay.. so you decided to get me here at two in the morning to share all your memories with me about this bench?" Michael asked as he looked at Luke.

Luke shook his head. "I came here to make a new one."

Michael swallowed.

"I came to this bench, to tell you, that, Michael. I'm in love with you," Luke said.

Michael coughed. "Sorry- What?"

"I love you, Michael. You're just, you're such a special boy. You make my heart race just by walking into a room. No one has done that to me. You've also helped me through so much and learn so much, and I'm not just talking about school here," Luke said.

Michael was shaking now, but he wasn't cold. He was warm all over. "Luke, I-."

"You don't have to say anything, I just had to tell you before exams. Before we find out my future."

Michael took Luke's hands in his. "Whatever happens in there, whether you pass or fail, you still have such a bright future. And I'm going nowhere. I love you too, Luke."

Luke smiled and tugged the boy closer. "You're the greatest person I know."

Michael didn't say anything more, he just closed the distance between them.

There's like 2-3 more chapters hehe

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