Crush(?) pt.1

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SO, um some guy added me on Snapchat. I was like sure y the heck not and I added him back. We had a good conversation. I figured out he goes to paxon class of 2022 so ayeeee my class. I told him I go to stanton and he was like "Damn stanton you're a smart girl right" and I was like "lol no I'm so bad at math" and he said "rly math is my best subject and I like trig" and I was like OH. OK. I SEE U.

bla bla bla we kept talking for like weeks after that

And so normally he'd text/snap me first asking what I was doing this morning I snapped him first asking that and he was like "nothin hbu" I was sketching at the time and I told him I was sketching and then he just sent a photo with no text and I asked him "u good?"

He said "no not really" so me being the sweetheart I am sent this:

"Aw 😕"

"Hope you feel better then"

He replied:


I said:

"Anytime 😁"

Then him:


Which I didnt rly understand but I sent this back:


And then it was just us sending corners of our faces for like a good 10, 15 mins?

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