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So if you guys remember

My first few chapters were about this guy I met on Snapchat

We continued talking and snapping over the period of the summertime and after time I knew what he looked like and he knew what I looked like

And then

One day

I see his face

On a friend that i met over the summer's Instagram story

So I see his face on her story

And when we first began talking I asked if he knew her bc she told me she knew someone with the same name as him which could happen

He said he didnt know her

So um

I see his face

On her Instagram story

And I dm her through insta


Sis. That's him. Hold up.

And I ask her to give me a little info on him

Bc he told me

He goes to paxon

And he's class of 2022 same as me

And she says the person she knows goes to a private catholic school

And is class of 2024 same as her so 8th grade

So I'm like ok this boy best not be lying to me or imma be seriously hurt

Bc I do not like liars

You lie to me you cut deep and I will probably give you a second chance only depending on how bad the situation is

So I snap him

And I'm like

"You go to *name of private catholic school* not paxon, dont you"

He replies


And I'm like ok at least hes being honest

I snap him again

"And you're class of 2024 not class of 2022 right?"

He says


I was seriously hurt right then like if you lie to me and you keep up that lie for a while before finally telling me

That hurts

I snap him

"Why didn't you just say so?"

Now this is where I started feeling bad

Bc he dropped a good amount of hints that he liked me

Like that one time I mentioned before how he said girls got him mad and he said I wasnt like the mean girls I was nice and pretty

He left more hints than just that one


He replies saying

"Because I thought you wouldnt think I'm cool and I thought you're into guys your age"

I was like damnnnnnn now I feel bad

So I just replied

"Look I still think you're a cool guy and I am into guys my age but that doesnt mean you have to lie ok?"

He says


End of story

After that

Present day

We still snap

Not as often tho

I kind of feel I made things awkward between us

But the boy had to tell the truth sooner or later


Rant done


~The Tea~ •》Rant Book I《•Where stories live. Discover now