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"Icicle!" McGonigal called, Icicle took a nervous step forward, thankfully her hat hiding her ears. Thank the skies she didn't have a tail. Her hair was pure white, the same as her wings, when she had them. But her ears were pitch black, much like her actual cat form, which was all while except for the ears. Snape found it adorable, him and McGonigal were the only ones she was comfortable showing it to.

As she sat down, McGonigal placed the sorting hat over her other hat, she knew of her intentions so therefore was gently. The sorting hat instantly started waving it's little flaps around.
"Ah! The un-child!" it yelped, Icicle shut her eyes and listened. "Interesting, you would do well both in Slytherin and Gryffindor..." it muttered. She tried to focus but it was a little strange, she thought she would have been in Hufflepuff.

"Gryffindor!" the hat suddenly shrieked. Icicle flinched, hoping to be in father's house, but she smiled nonetheless and hopped off the stool, heading to the Gryffindor table, when she sat down and was greeted by all the others, she looked to father, who looked a little sad, but smiled faintly to her. That kind where to others he would be scowling but she knew it was just how he was.

"Harry Potter in Gryffindor!" the new Weasly whispered, Icicle looked to the redhead.
"Who?" she asked.
"Why Harry Potter!" he cried. Percy, (the other Weasly) chuckled and rubbed the top of Icicle's head, her hat thankfully stayed firmly on, but she purred slightly when he did, thankfully it was too loud for anyone to hear.
"Nice to meet you Harry Potter." Icicle said, looking to the person next to the other Weasley, dark hair and circle glasses, she saw a little scar on his forehead, ah, she heard of that. He nodded to her and she smiled,

Her classes passed dreadfully easy, the teachers all went a little harder on her though, she knew it was all because they didn't want her to miss out on anything. That Hermione was aggravating, trying to correct Ronald from a spell. Icicle nearly leaped in to shut her up, let him make mistakes!

She was lead to the Gryffindor common room at the end of the day, she smiled when she saw that father had already moved her things. He really did have a soft side, nobody ever saw it but her. She sat down on her bed, Hermione unfortunately was also in the room, she was sitting on her bed with her nose buried in a book. The other bed was empty for some reason.
"So." Hermione said, bouncing to the end of the bed with a grin.
"What's your name? I'm Hermione Granger." she said proudly.
"Icicle." Icicle murmured, Hermione raised one eyebrow.
"Where?" she asked, looking around to the windows.
"No, my name is Icicle." she corrected.
"Why do you wear that hat?" she asked.
"It's... mine?" she said softly.
"I mean we are about to go to bed and your still wearing it."
"Well I know but I mean... I never take it off."
"Why not?"
"I just don't."
"Can I see it?"
"Why not?"
"You ask a lot of questions." Icicle pointed out. Hermione shrugged at that.
"I like knowing things." she responded cheerfully.
"Goodnight." Icicle said quietly, then curled up on her bed.

The next day was broom training, Harry seemed excited and Hermione was without emotion for it. As everyone finally got their brooms, up (Harry got his stunningly fast) Poor Ron was hit in the face. Icicle picked hers up while nobody was looking, it simply wouldn't follow her instructions! Neville slowly flew upwards, flaring this way and that, Icicle looked away, it took everything in her not to change into a dragon and save him. She heard a yelp of pain and when she looked back, Neville had hit the ground and Madame Hooch was easing him up.

"Stay on the ground or you'll be out of here before you can say 'quidditch!" she snarled at everyone before hurrying Longbottom away. Malfoy (the strange one with slicked back hair) picked up Neville's toy.

Icicle fretted to the other girls about poor Neville while Harry and Draco fought, before suddenly they both LIFTED RIGHT OFF THE GROUND! They began to swirl around in the air, snipping insults at one another. Draco finally threw the little ball and Harry raced after it, then landed softly and cheered, McGonigal came out of nowhere and dragged Harry away.
"Someone's getting expelled..." a random student muttered. Icicle stormed up to Draco who was chuckling with his goons.
"You think that was funny!?" Icicle hissed, her nails narrowing into claws before she gained control of them.
"It was!" Draco crowed, "Did you see the look of horror on Potter's face?" he snickered.
"It was almost as funny as your face when he caught it, don't think we didn't see it." Icicle snickered. Draco growled at her. Then reached up.
"It's almost as funny as your little hat!" Draco laughed, her hat was admittedly a little odd, a grey beanie that was a little strange to wear in the warm seasons. He snatched it away and Icicle let out a cry of dismay.

Everyone went dead silent when they saw her pitch black ears. Draco and all his goons doubled over laughing, Icicle's ears folded back in embarrassment. Her nose quivering as she was on the verge of tears.
"Oh shut the bloody hell up!" Ron suddenly yelled, nearly half of the entire class sided with her and yelled at Draco, Icicle crouched down, trying to stay hidden, but her white hair and black ears kind of stood out.

"Stunning..." another one whispered, poking her ear, she folded it down and mewed angrily.

"Where did you them 'em?" Ron asked. Looking at her backside for a tail, she hissed at him angrily.
"They just appeared." she said. At that moment, Percy, suddenly began to pet them, she bat at his hands and suddenly the other students suddenly decided to join in.

Rargh... it was too much for her. She transformed into a cat and hissed at them, then leapt down and sprinted up to her room.

When Hermione came up, Icicle looked away from her, about to dart under the bed. However, Hermione sat down on her bed and gazed at Icicle."Your an animagus." she said. Icicle transformed back and nodded."Amazing!"

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