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Okay I saw that picture literally moments after posting this and then reposted it to upload to picture. XD


Icicle looked up from her cat form to the strangers in her home.

Bellatrix, and Malfoy's mother, Father looked down at Icicle,
"Go on, this is a private matter." he said, Icicle mewed in agreement and flicked her tail, then bounded into the other room with Wormtail.

"Take out. Your wand." Father hissed, Icicle instantly padded over to the door again, peeking through the cracks, and saw Father holding the wrist of Malfoy's mother, performing some sort of binding spell. Only a few silent moments later, the pair walked out and Icicle ducked her head. Once they were gone she bolted into Father's room. Then quickly transformed back into a human.
"Father? Are you alright?" she asked, he looked extremely pale. But he put on a smile and looked to her.
"I'm fine Icicle, just had to sort something out." he said warmly. A little bit too warmly. She sighed and flicked one of her ears. But nonetheless nodded.
"Just wanted to check." she murmured. Then proceeded to turn back into a cat and curl up by the fire.

The last year had passed in a blur, they had gotten a new teacher, who was cruel, she punished Icicle for having ears despite her saying that it was undeniable magic, forced her to... write on her own hand.
'I shall not use unauthorized magic on myself or anyone.' it burned her hand like fire, and when she was told to continue until 'the message sunk in'. She insisted that it was accidental. And then forced to write it on her hand so many times that all the way up to her forearm had bloody words all over it.

Harry had tried to start some sort of army, Icicle wanted to join but refused to, she didn't want to make father angry. But he was quite furious when he saw her crippled arm. He healed it and then began to fume about the professor. But said that he was learning her secrets from the inside and apologized.

At Hogwarts, she watched poor Harry walk in holding a rag that smelled of blood to his nose. Poor thing... she wanted to help but then again, if father hated him surely there must be a reason? Icicle still fiddled with her wand nervously, she had gotten exactly what she wanted, ebony dragon heartstring. She looked back to Father, who beamed when he was named the new defence against the dark arts. Of course, only she noticed his smile, to everyone else he was still scowling.

Father had gotten colder over the years, to everyone else but not to her. If anything he became even kinder to her. For example, one night she had gotten a nightmare, so horrific that she woke up crying, she didn't know what to do, Hermione was dead asleep and so was Ginny, so she turned into a cat and sprinted down to Father's room, he was still awake, reading a book made of dark brown leather. When she got there he instantly knew her, he put the book down and picked her up noticing the fur that was wet around her eyes.
"Nightmares I'm assuming?" he asked, she flicked her ears and curled into his arms. He let out a sigh that could only be identified as lovingly amused. Nonetheless she fell asleep in his lap as he read.

Much later, she was walking back from the three broomsicks, just in front of Harry, Ron and Hermione, she was happy to drink with them but liked to walk alone, the free space made her feel like a dragon again. The two girls in front of her were arguing,

Leanne suddenly screamed and Katie flew into the air with a silent scream. Icicle turned into a cat and reflexively crouched down with a mew of fear. Hermione picked her up and Icicle buried her head into Hermionie's arm, trying to block the screams.

"Oh Severus." McGonigal said as Father entered the room. Icicle remained as a cat, too spooked to turn back. Sitting underneath Hermione's legs, Father and Harry argued for a little while, but Icicle folded her ears back and blocked them.

Once she was taken back to her quarters she just lay on her bed, Hermionie sat on the edge of her own and looked into space. Icicle transformed back.
"I need to stretch my wings." Icicle moaned, rolling her shoulders, her wings aching to get out. Hermione sighed.
"It's too cold, and you'd be expelled for it!" she cried.
"I know I know..." Icicle muttered.

Of course, Icicle was happy for Ron making the team, but once he kissed... whatever her name was... Icicle cringed and then left the room, Hermione and Harry followed her but she transformed and quickly left.

Only moments later she walked onto a balcony, Draco was there,

"Oh! I... um." she stuttered and then tried to walk away, but she forgot that her voice was a mew and Draco turned, she flicked her tail at him and began to walk away.
"Transform back." he ordered, she turned her head,

What is this boy thinking? She wondered, but did indeed transform back. Draco walked up to her slowly, his expression unreadable. His breath smelled of butterbeer, plus the scent of something much stronger, she remembered it from her youngest memories,

Alcohol. Oh no, OH DEAR. Was Draco tipsy?? He got closer and she flicked her ears in warning.
"I've always loved those ears of yours." he said in a purr that would have made her proud if she were not super confused. Then he did the unthinkable,

He kissed her cheek.

Oh well, I mean at least he missed, at least theres that, right? Um... he finally smirked at her. She folded her ears back in confusion, it was just the drink right? Yes, just the drink that was all...

"If I catch you within two feet of that Potter or that hand-me-down-wearing Weasley. I will be most unhappy." he growled. 

Then walked away from her leaving her confused as ever.

I'm just going to pretend that didn't happen...

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