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She was so terrified, the Death Eaters had taken her, she was kept in a cold grey prison. Father never visited, she never ever saw him. Draco, to her shock, did visit, they grew closer in their fear. She was kept silent mostly. Nobody ever spoke to her kindly other than Draco and she mostly sat in the dark, terrified for her life with every waning second. At one point, the Lord himself came to her, missing-his-nose-face him very self. Asked her where Harry was, yet when she admitted she didn't know, he had begun to use a spell on her, it was painful, and all she remembered was bright searing pain before he finally stopped.

"How long have you been here?" Draco asked.
"Only about two weeks." she said softly.
"I'll get my father to get us out of here." Draco snarled.
"You father has no power here anymore." Icicle pointed out.
"He... can still get us out." he protested. Icicle shook her head.
"You've seen how he reacts to You-Know-Who... He's terrified to so much as breathe." she murmured. He let out a shiver of cold and seemed to shrink into himself. Icicle felt a little strange doing so... But then again, she didn't want Draco cold, she scooted closer to him, letting her own bodily warmth also warm him.

Father found her a little while later, and was not happy, he took her back to Hogwarts with the permission of You-Know-Who. She was terrified the entire time.

The year passed in a blur, she had grown accustomed to the livelihood of Hogwarts and the joy of the moving paintings and such. But it was grey, cold and Slytherin had completely taken over it seemed. Father was the new headmaster, he was the only one who Icicle felt comfortable around, even then however she was tense. She never slept in her dorm anymore, she hated the cold of it. She mostly would transform into a cat and sleep with her father on a chair in his office. Most of Gryffindor had shut her out due to her connections with Father and Draco (who had been taken back to Hogwarts). Draco and her and technically started dating but never told anyone, afraid that if anyone knew something even more horrible would happen. Her ears were almost always kept down low. As low as she could keep them, resulting in them being sore when she finally let them up. She had herself transformed into a cat so many times that she had,

to the worst of her shock,

Grown a tail.

Congratulations, she was not a full neko.

She was a little worried that she would one day wake up with whiskers.

Needless to say she still mostly kept to herself, a few times the teachers (or Carrows) asked her to practice the 3 curses on a group of first years, she and Nevile had refused and been punished severely, Father hadn't been around for it and therefore didn't stop it.

She didn't even know if he would.

"Lightning has struck!" someone's voice echoed, Icicle looked up, it... wasn't raining. Seemed like someone had gone daffy. She had no idea what was going on, nobody ever let her in on details. She just mostly stayed in her dorm studying, trying not to get into any trouble.

It seemed to be only moments later when Father called them in, ranting about Harry in the castle. Icicle stayed still, afraid to move. She had never heard father speak with such a tone of loathing. He came forth, Harry, Harry himself! He came forward, yelling to father about Dumbledoor,

"Tell them how you looked him in the eye! A man who trusted you! And killed him!" he shouted, Icicle drew her dark wand, Father caught her eye and gave a slight shake of the head.

They began to fight, slashing their wands, but McGonigal came out and fought, Icicle ran out and blocked an extra spell from Harry,
"Icicle! Run!" Father yelled, she looked at him before he flew away in a plume of black smoke. The other students immediately grabbed Icicle and her ears folded in fear and her tail puffed out.
"Put her in the dungeons!" McGonical yelled as the students cheered.

Icicle cried as the teachers hauled her away.

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