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"Let me out!!!" Icicle shrieked. Mcgonical let out a sigh and shook her head. 
"We can't risk you getting out and killing everyone." she said. Icicle lashed her tail. 
"THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M GOING TO DO!" she shrieked again, shaking the bars. The professor shook her head and walked away. Icicle roared and beat at the bars of the dungeons. 

Blast them all to Oblivion!

She calmed down and turned into a cat, but the bars were too small for her to fit through.

"GET BACK DOWN HERE!" she screamed, turning back into a human and rattling the bars once more.

After what seemed to be hours of shrieking and hitting the bars, she gave up, falling backwards and curling up in the corner of the cell. She wanted to be free, she wanted revenge.

She finally slept, and realized once she was awake that she had returned to a human form, and had her tail tucked around her for warmth. She sighed and leaned her head against the cold wall.
"Stupid you-know-who." she growled, wringing her hands together angrily. Her tail puffed up as well and she nearly smiled at that, but the grief of her father leaving was still too raw. 
"Finally tired?" a familiar voice asked. Icicle stood up fast, ready to attack in an instant. 
"Who is that??" she hissed, pinning her ears back flat. 
"It's just me, I've got your wand." Draco whispered, appearing in the light. 
"Draco??" she darted forward and try and hold his hand through the bars. 
"Are you hurt?" he asked, a little bit angrily, she noticed. 
"I'm fine... how are you here?" she whispered. 
"Vold- you-know-who attacked the school head on, I escaped in the madness to come and find you." a rumble shook the building. 
"Just in the nick of time, it would seem." she joked as he unlocked the door. 

"Yes indeed." he chuckled, hugging her as she leapt out. He handed her the dark wand that felt familiar in her grasp. 
"Lets go kill some Death Eaters." she grinned. The grief in her bones fueling her rage.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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