The First Meeting

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Alex pov
We see the limo pull up and the annoying Audrey keeps asking is he sure about this. Audrey even if he wasn't sure he can't do much now they are already here. "I can't believe you are the royal adviser if you let him do this I can't imagine." Ben put himself between me and his girlfriend. Smart because I was fuming. It was then two boys fall out I look a recognised him from my dream it was Jay. Then two girls step out Mal says for them to stop we have an audience which they do stop. Fairy godmother made her way to the front. "Just cleaning up." "Leave it as you found it and by that I mean just leave it." Jay throws a bunch of things in the limo. I raise my eye brow to show I know he has something else. He throws it back inside and I smile and wink at him.
Jay pov
As we stood up fairly godmother told me to put the stuff back. I see a girl and the moment I see her there is no doubt who's daughter she is. She is the daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine her outfit showed it.

She was probably the most beautiful girl I had ever seen

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She was probably the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I still had something that gold thing she raised and eye brow towards me she knew so I put it back. Ben begins speaking when a blond douchey looking guy kissed her cheek and put an arm around her shoulder. I felt jealous of him but I don't know I don't even know her name. "Babe hands off now." He did not wanting to get her mad. He kissed her cheek and she smiled but it was fake. When her eyes meant mine she blushed and looked away. "My name is Ben." This pink Prissy Princess speaks and I can see the girl roll her eyes. "Prince Benjamin soon to be king." "You had me at prince my mom is a queen which makes me a princess." "The Evil Queen has no royal status... and neither do you." "Audrey she is just as much a princess as us don't be rude. Her mother 's royal status and her own are invalid on the isle but the moment she stepped foot here she is considered a princess. "This is Audrey." "Princess Audrey his girlfriend right benny boo." I hear the girl mumble unfortunately and Audrey glared at her. "This is my best friend and Royal adviser Alex. She helped me with the proclamation actually even helped choose who I picked. Audrey then cuts in again. "Queen Alexandria the Queen of Agrabah." "Audrey can you please shut your mouth before I shut it for you; you know I will. Also it is Sultana when will you get it right." It was then her and Ben came up to everyone. They started at Mal. Alexandria shook her hand first then Evie then she came to me. We shook hands and stared at each other. It was then I saw something that blew my mind. She was the girl from the dreams I've been having. We stayed like that until Ben tapped her shoulder. I kissed her hand and she winked at me before giving Carlos a handshake. "This is a big moment where hopefully are two people can heal." Mal speaks "or the day you show four people where the bathrooms are." He walks up to Mal. "A little over the top." "I say a little more than over the top." they laugh and Alex looks at me. "I told him it was extra but he thought it wasn't enough." "You're Maleficent's daughter right?" Yeah I totally don't blame your mother for trying to kill my parents. Oh my mother is sleeping..." "Beauty yeah I've heard the name and I don't blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole entire world except my mother to their stupid christening." "Water under the bridge." "Totes." The fake laugh I can see Alex rolling her eyes at Audrey. She walks over to her. "I know this is hard to understand because your ego is so big it takes up all the room in your head so there is no room for comprehension but try being nice." With that she turned on her heels and walked back over to us talking. Audrey sat their fuming. I could imagine steam coming out her ears. "Sorry about her she thinks she is entitled and better than everyone else. I tolerate her because she is dating my best friend. Although one of these days I'm going to punch her." I laugh and she laughs too. That is when the guys walks to and speaks "You are Jafar's son you know I totally don't blame you for your father trying to take over and for your dad trying to kill her father and marry her mother. I can't believe he picked you when his best friend is your father's enemy daughter. Oh I'm chad. Prince charming son." "Actually Chad I picked Jay not Ben so don't open your mouth about things you don't know. Now I'm going to continue talking to Jay if that's ok with Jay." I nod yes. "Now if you are going to be a jealous egotistical jerk don't stand by me because I can only deal with one egotistical jerk a day not two. He huffed and left her she sighed in sadness but we continue talking till the tour starts where we are shown around the school. We go to a statue of the king and Ben claps and it turns into a beast. Carlos screamed and jumped into my arms. "It's ok Carlos his father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to show that anything is possible." She then claps and it goes back. I thought only legacy's of Belle and Beast could do that? "Oh beast had it so I could do it because I was like a child to them both." "Yeah I sometimes think that my parents like her better." We arrive at two big staircase and an open area. It got silent before Alex called Doug. We talked and Alex spoke her arm looped with Chad. "If you have any questions." "Ask Doug." Chad and Audrey say. Mal fake laughs while I just roll my eyes. As they are dragged away she smacks Chad and walks back over to us. "I'll show you to your rooms." As we walk she smiles and talk to us. "Again I apologise about Chad and Audrey. They are egotistical spoiled brats. My parents told me I have to date Chad. I've know Ben plus them since they were first born. I'm a year older than them my birthday is late so I am older than most in my grade." Hey I'm the same way I'm older than all my friends by a year because my birthday is in December. She became someone we could trust and we never trusted anyone but each other. But for some odd reason we trusted her. Ok maybe I was the only one who instantly trusted her.
Mal pov
I didn't miss the way he looked at Alexandria. It was a look of admiration. He thought she was beautiful you could read it on his face. And trust me when I say she was absolutely beautiful. But I was glad she was here because the more she talked the more I realised how different she was. Maybe her being close to Ben and us can help us. She showed us to our room. "My room is across don't be scared to ask me anything. Down that hall is the boys room it has their name so don't worry." I watched as she stood outside talking to Jay. She laughed, kissed his cheek, winked then walked away. Jay nearly fell from leaning on the door frame. He goes into his room.

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