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Maya's POV

I sat in the chair, staring at the individual threads in my jeans and nervously fidgeting. I looked at the clock on the wall.

"How could it have only been five minutes," I said in frustration.

Then I remembered I wasn't alone.

I glanced over at the woman sitting in the chair across from me. She was middle-aged and had brown hair with a few grays. She wore glasses with a thick red frame and held a notepad and pen.

She looked up from her notepad at me and then looked back down and started writing down something.

"What the fuck are you writing?" I yelled out. "I haven't even told you anything and you're still writing down shit."

She ignored my question and instead asked me one of her own.

"Do you have outbursts like that frequently?"

I thought back guiltily to when I yelled at Riley and the locker room incident.

"Sometimes," I admitted.

"And would you say that you're stressed?"

"Yes, I'm forced to sit here and talk to you," I said annoyed.

"I'm going to disregard that because I think you're angry and you're hurting."

"I'm fine, I don't even know why I have to be here."

"Why don't we discuss what happened with your father," she suggested.

"What about him? They arrested him and now he's out of my life."

"Very well, if you don't want to talk about it we can move on. What about your mother? I know you went to go live with her after everything that happened."

"She's fine. She and my stepdad are gonna have a baby," I decided to tell her.

"Oh, really?" she pleasantly replied. "Do you know how far along she is?"

"I don't know how I missed it. She's said almost 5 months."

"And how do you feel about that?"

I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm angry cause I think my mom knows she messed up with me and is trying to get it right this time. But I guess I've always wanted a younger sibling."

"It seems you have very mixed emotions over the baby," she stated.

No shit, Sherlock I wanted to say.

"I don't really want to talk about it anymore," I told her.

"We're almost out of time, so what I want you to do for next time is evaluate your feelings and ask others for help when you need it."

"Great," I said getting out of my seat.

"And, Maya," she said.

"Yeah," I turned to her.

"After your suspension is over, I suggest you take more time off."

"I'll think about it," I told her and left.


Don't forget to vote ant comment! The next chapter should be out later this week!

The AftermathWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt