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Riley's POV

"Eeek!" Mom squealed in a way that I didn't know was possible for her.

"I'm so happy for you!" She hugged Shawn and Katy. "How far along are you?"

"About 5 months," Katy said smiling.

"Enjoy life as a bachelor while you still can, Shawnie," Dad put his arm around Shawn. "Cause before you know it, the kid is born, you're married, and you're driving a mini van."

"Cory," Mom scolded while slapping his arm. "Marriage and parenthood is sacred. You'll be a great husband and father."

"Thank you, Topanga," Shawn said.

"And how do you feel about the baby, Maya?" Dad asked.

"I'm excited, I'm gonna be a big sister and I can't wait," she hugged her mom and Shawn.

"You know, I have an older sister," Mom said.

"What?" Maya and I both shouted.

"Nebula Stop-the-War Lawrence," my mom stated.

"How come we've never met her?" Auggie asked.

"I don't think she's real, Auggie," I told him.

"You know who's not real?" my  mom asked. "Shawn's sister Stacy."

"Stacy is real, Cory borrowed her hair straightener when we were kids," Shawn told her.

"Oh, yeah," my dad said blushing slightly with embarrassment.

"Regardless of whether or not any of their sisters are real," Maya's mom cut in. "You're gonna be a great big sister to the baby. He's really lucky to have you."

"Wait!" Maya's eyes went wide.

"What?" we all looked at her in confusion.

"Mom!" she shouted.

"What?" we all shouted back at her again.

"You just said he," she said still screaming.

Maya's mom immediately covered her mouth with her hand.

"You found out the gender?" Shawn asked.

"I"m sorry. I asked the technician, I just couldn't wait," Katy said. "I get it if you're mad."

"Mad? Honey, this is fantastic news," he picked her up and kissed her. "We"re having a boy!"

He kept repeating that while jumping up and down like a little kid.

"The baby's gonna be Maya's brother?" Auggie asked clearly confused.

"Well, Aug, not all families are the same," mom picked him up. "Maya's mom and her dad had her, and now her mom and Uncle Shawn are having her brother."

"But she's gonna be so much older than him," he said questioningly.

"Daddy's a lot older than Uncle Josh and they still love each other. So you shouldn't worry about Maya and her brother, right?"

He thought about it for a little bit. "I guess so."

"Trust me, Auggie. I am going to love this kid just like I love you," Maya said ruffling his hair.

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