Back to School

536 18 1

Maya's POV

"Maya, time to get up for school!" Shawn yelled down the hallway.

I groaned and rolled over in my bed.

"Come on, your suspension is over," my mom said standing in the doorway as Shawn turned on the lights.

I pulled up the blanket over my head to avoid being blinded. Shawn came over and pulled it off of me.

"Let's go, kid."

"Will you just fuck off!" I snapped grabbing the blanket back.

"Maya," Shawn scolded me with a look.

"Sorry, could you please fuck off," I wasn't having it today.

"Maya, get your ass out of bed," Mom commanded.

"Katy, I've got this. Stress isn't good for the baby," Shawn told her.

"Fine, I'll make breakfast," she said walking into the kitchen.

"I love you, Sweetie," Shawn yelled to her.

"I love you too," she shouted back.

"Now, what's going on, Maya?" I had Shawn's full attention now.

"I don't want to go to school," I told him. "My therapist said I don't have to."

"That's great, but your therapist isn't your parent. It's gonna take a little bit more convincing to get you out of school, and believe me, I know every trick there is."

"Everyone's gonna laugh at me or look at me weirdly."

"No, they're not," he tried to assure me.

"Shawn, I had an outburst in the locker room and ripped my shirt off."

"Everybody has bad days, and locker rooms are made for changing out of your clothes."

"But not everybody is covered in cuts and bruises. They're already trying to fill in the gaps, I just know it."

"Hey, the only people that matter at school are your friends."

"I guess," I shrugged my shoulders.

"So, are you getting up and ready for school?"

"Do I have to?" I asked.


"Fine," I breathed.

Shawn kissed my forehead and left.

My phone buzzed with a text from Riley.

Suspension over! See you at school in 15, Love you!

I could't help the smile that crept on to my face when I read it.

Love you too, I quickly texted and then dragged myself out of bed.

I went to my closet and picked out a comfortable pair of pants and a hoodie before grabbing my backpack.

"Maya, eat some breakfast," my mom called to me.

"Can't, I'm running late," I told her.

"You can't leave until you eat something," she told me.

"Go ahead, Maya. Have a good day at school," Shawn hugged me.

"Bye," I said opening the door and stepping out.

"No, Shawn, she needed to eat something," I could hear my mom through the door.

"She was gonna be late to school," Shawn defended his actions.

"She hasn't been eating very well ever since she came to live with us."

"Katy, she's a teenager. Every teen goes through weird eating phases."

"But not every teen gets beat by their father. I didn't look out for her then so I'm really trying to now."

"I know, you're there for her now though. You're a good mother, Katy," I heard Shawn say.

I could almost picture him hugging her trying to console her.

"I know she says she's fine, but I'm so worried about her," my mom was crying now.

My eyes started to tear up hearing that. I needed to get out of there. I made my way down the hallway and out of the building.

I walked into school and found Riley waiting for me at my locker.

"You were almost late," Riley said as we walked to our class.

"I had a bit of a rough morning."


Comment and vote if you liked this chapter! I just started school again but I'll try to update soon!

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