What Baby?

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Maya's POV

I went straight from my therapy session to Riley's. She was still in school cause she wasn't stupid enough to get herself suspended like me, so I climbed through into her room and sat in the bay window, our bay window.

"Maya?" she questioned when she got home from school. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine," I told her, but I guess I wasn't convincing enough.

"What about your therapy session? How'd it go?"

"The lady said I was angry and hurting," I rolled my eyes, and ignored Riley's sympathetic look. "As if I didn't already know that. She also said that I had mixed feelings about the baby and–."

"Baby? What baby?" Riley questioned.

"Shit. I don't think you're supposed to know yet."

"Maya, no cursing," Riley scolded.

"That's not the point. My mom and Shawn are gonna have a baby and..." I stopped mid-sentence because Riley looked like she was about to explode. "Ok, let it out, Honey."

"YAYYY!" she screamed with a wide smile. "Ok, back to you, Peaches."

"They're having a baby and I don't know how I feel about it."

"You know how Auggie really annoys me sometimes, but he's also the cutest little kid and I love him?" she asked me.


"That's what it's like having a sibling. You're gonna be a big sister, Maya."

"Woah," I said in realization. "I was so caught up in my mom being pregnant that I didn't even think of it like that."

"Riles, I'm gonna be a big sister," I said excitedly.

"I know, Maya. I'm so happy for you," she hugged me.

"What's with all the shouting?" Riley's mom came up into her room.

"Oh, just teen stuff," I lied to her.

"Ok, well your mom and Shawn are coming over for dinner later and you're welcome to stay," she said closing the door behind her.

"Why'd you lie to her?" Riley asked. "Couldn't you have just told her?"

"I have a feeling they're gonna tell your parents at dinner tonight. Plus, I think Shawn would murder me if I spilled the secret to his best friends."

"Shawn would never do that. He loves, you."

"I know, I know. I'm just kidding."

I know that. Shawn really does love me.

"And, Maya?"

"Yeah, Riles?"

"When you get sad–"

"I'm fine, Riley," I look away from her.

"I mean when you get down, and I know you do," she takes my hand in hers. "Remember that I love you too." 

"I will, Riley."


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