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(3rd person POV)

Joshua:- Goodman?.. Nice! Last name. Coming back to the party topic, you should definitely come these types of special parties are to relieve all the stress from the daily life!
Cyrus:- And... What exactly are we doing in this special party?....
J:- So you are coming!
C:- wAit! nO I- (Joshua interrupted)
J:- nope you already said yes, No excuses are accepted (saying while practically dragging Cyrus with him)

After 10minutes of walking Cyrus had already given up and started following Joshua at his own will.

C:- Soooo..... What makes this party so special?
J:- you'll see when we get there
C:- But I'm already tired from this long walk (pouting)
J:- (smiling at Cyrus) you are really cute do you know that?
C:-(slightly blushing) t-thanks (shuttering)
J:- don't worry we are almost there
C:- you know I been living in Shadyside all my life but I've never come to this part of the neighborhood
They arrived at the place. It looked like an old building with only one person guarding the entrance
Guard:- password?
J: pride
Guard:- correct, have a lovely night
Entering the building Cyrus realized that the outside is the completely opposite from the inside of the building. There was bright colors all around the place and a lot of pride flags and people from different ages there was a small stage and a dance floor and many tables.
C:- How did you know I was gay??
J:- (smirking) i have a gay radar
C:- (looks at him in surprise)
J:- haha just messing with you, I-i guess i just had a feeling you would like and understand this place, and you know relax a little.
C:- (smiles) thank you, i really needed something like this...........sooooooooo what are we going to do?
J:- Well... Karaoke begins until 12:00 so ...w-we could d-dance if you want? (Joshua asking nervously)
C:-('honestly this place is awesome and literally no one knows me so why don't I live a little and enjoy=Cyrus thought) yes I'll really like that (Cyrus said smiling confidently)

After dancing like crazy with Beyoncé songs and other random songs, a slow dance began. They both looked at each other and without words they slow danced close to each other. With Joshua's hands on Cyrus's hips and Cyrus's hands interlaced behind Joshua's neck.

When the karaoke time came Joshua and Cyrus were the first ones to sing.
They decided with "me, by Taylor Swift and Brendon Urie"
Cyrus= Taylor
Joshua = brendon

It was a crazy night they both sang so well making the crowd wanting another one. And it was one Cyrus's best nights of his life.

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