chapter 4

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Tonya pov

I'm in math, sitting in the back, as usual, when the teacher is introducing this kid named lucky.

I didn't really listen but I heard when lucky say "is he okay" I didn't realize he was talking about me till is saw him point at me,I didn't mind till the teacher said something that really made me p.o'd,"n-no sweet, hes not ok"

I thought for a few seconds and then giggled, probably shouldn't have said that lucky or Mrs.Greenfield,hehe there is gonna be blood spoiled and no one will care,...the kids around me all moved away and I Google again, than I noticed Rachel was staring at meand I caught myself staring at her

TOBY!, the teacher yelled, why are you not paying attention.

Uhoh...I know what's coming next...

She took out a yard stick,

I'm the only one she does this to but I don't tell my mom,

She slapped me with the yard stick,

I didn't even flinch,I can't feel pain but she doesn't know that...

But I can hear them laughing quietly.

Except for Rachel,I can see years forming in her eyes

I chuckle a little and grab the yard stick quickly from the teacher and smack her in the arm,

There's a big red mark,

She tells in pain and anger.

Nowi know how good it feels to hurt someone.

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