Bar Hopping Fun

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   [3rd pov]

 It was your friend, (F/n)'s 21st birthday, and you two decided to go bar hopping. But, as usual, you were the designated "driver". The only problem was, neither of you had a car, so technically you just protected her drunk ass on the bus. It was the last bar of the night when you stumbled, well, practically fell into some mans arms.

[your pov]

I was walking with a bottle of water in hand when I tripped over someone's foot and landed face first into someones chest, who, thankfully, wasnt drunk, so he didn't try to grope me. I got a good look at him once I was up normally, taking in every detail of his handsome face, before I realized he noticed me admiring him. I looked down, trying to hide my blushing face. "So, uh.... my name is Mark. Whats yours?" Mark asks. "Oh, uh, it's (Y/n)... Nice to meet you, Mark," you say, finally looking back up at him, smiling and extending your hand.

   [Marks pov] 

   (Y/n) and I sat down at a booth, talking about ourselves and other random topics. She looks around, looking like shes searching for someone, then swiftly stands up and mutters, "Shit,"before practically screaming over the music,"Come on Mark!". I got up and raced after her, then as she goes flying through the crowd some guy stepped in front of me, making me have to dodge him. I stopped, losing (Y/n) in the midst of drunks. I look around, spotting her by the bar, imbetween a girl and a guy, both really drunk. I dart over to them, then I hear (Y/n) screaming swears at the guy towering above her. He makes an attept to grope her, but I shoved him off before he touched her. "Mark! Do you have a car or something? I need to get (F/n) away from here!" (Y/n) said worry in her voice. 

Your POV

 "Yeah let me grab my friends!" Mark said, then darted off. I turned around to face (F/n), looking her over. "Are you okay??" I ask. "Uh, you should ask my pet elephant!" She responds, words slurred. "(Y/n)! Lets go!" I turn around to see Mark with three other men, one with blue, floofy hair, another with green hair, and the last one with curly brown hair.  

>Time skip to Marks van<

 We finally got the drunken (F/n), Tyler, Ethan and Jack into Mark's van, Mark and I in the front. "Uhm, I don't usually ask this but, is it okay if we go to your place? I live all the way across town and I don't want them to vomit all  over every thing," I said, not much hope in my chest, but to my surprise he said it was okay. "Oh, by the way, Mr. Pedophile, your van is scary looking," I say, joking around. "YOU CAN'T PET ELLA, SHE'S MYY  ELEPHANT!!!"  I hear (F/n)  yell, which makes Mark and I go into a fit of laughter. 

•Ti me sk ip to Ma rks• 

We all walk into Marks house, trying to get everyone into the living room, when all of a sudden Tyler, the brown haired one, says "I'M GONNA PUKE IN ALL OF YOU IF YOU DON'T MOVE!!" then he started shoving everyone around, trying to get to the bathroom. I smile and look at Mark, his face trying to conceal his laughter. ' He's adorable,' I think, ' WAIT NO HE ISNT, STOP IT (Y\N)!' I think-yell to myself, blushing and sitting on the couch once everyone is in the house. "Hey, you okay?" Mark asks, and I feel his hand on my shoulder. " Oh, uh y-yeah, just a little tired, " I say, blushing even more. "KISS HERR MARK!!!" Ethan says, then turns over and sloppily kisses Tyler, who just entered the room. I smile and blush as Mark rolls his eyes and smiles, a tint of blush on his face as well. Tyler picks up Ethan and takes him to the bathroom. "EYE MATEY!! GO GET SOME!!" the drunken Jack says, trying to be a pirate. " YEAH, WHAT CAPTIAN SAID! " (F/n) yells, the whole scene making Mark and I giggle. Jack turns to (F/n) and tries to kiss her, and she accepts it. I groan and lay back on the couch, wishing that she wouldn't get pregnant tonight.  

•Time skip to midnight•

 As I was playing on my phone, the chorus of moans got louder. Mark turned to me, his entire face red. "Want to go for a walk?" I ask. He nods his head vigorously. I giggle and get up, motioning for him to do the same. We put our shoes on and go outside, our friend's noises fading. "It 's quiet, isn't it?" I ask after a few minutes, then look over at Mark. I noticed him looking at me, in a trance. "Erm, Mark? You ok?" I ask, worried. He exits his trance, "Uh, w-what?" He asks, oblivious to my previous statements ."Are you okay? You were staring at me, "

"Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine. You're just so beautiful... Heh, that was cheesy," Mark responds after a moment. I blush and look at my feet. We had stopped walking the moment I saw Mark staring at me, a few moments prior. Our  wandering minds brought us to the beach. He looks at me, as if contemplating on something. "Would you like to sit down?" He asks . Of course, I say yes.


  We sat on the beach, feet in the water some of the time due to waves. We had talked for about an hour, listening to eachother and the calming water. I had told him basically everything about me, and vise versa. It was around two in the morning now, we had both stopped talking and were just stealing glances at eachother. "It's beautiful tonight, isn't it?" I asked, looking at the sky. "Yeah, it is," but Mark was focused on me. I looked at him then blushed and smiled, then I lean it and give him a peck on the cheek. "Let's go get some sleep, I'm sure they're done by now," I say, and Mark touches his cheek where I kissed him."O-ok," Mark says and gets up, "That would be great."

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, school is just a bitch. Anyway, thanks for reading! (1073 words)


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