Expidition: Park

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The Next Day- Mark's POV

Since (Y/n) decided to stay for today, we went the the closest park from my house, Expidition Park.
"Where the hell is the GPS?" (Y/n) asked, quite ticked off. "Uhm, where it says GPS..." a doubtful Jack said. "....Shut up," (Y/n) responds. "Guys it might not help if we start a fight in the van," I say, kind of scared (Y/n) would throw punches. I type the address in the GPS and follow the directions. "Uhhh, Mark, you just ran a red light...." Ethan piped up. Tyler looked up from his phone and said, "Please don't kill us, I still haven't made out with Ethan enough."
"Awwwwwww, that's so cute!" (Y/n) said in an adorable squeaky voice. Damn it, shes too cute, I just wanna bite her and-......Nope. I think, trying not to blush. Shit, shit, shit don't do it don't do i- Fuck. You just had to. My thoughts race through my head, trying to figure out a way to get rid of it. I don't need this right now, I think, looking at my stiff crotch. "Mark? Mark! Snap out of it!" (Y/n) yells at me, getting me out of my head. "You okay?"
"Uh, um y-yeah I'm fine, why?" I ask, hoping she doesn't notice.

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