A Letter of Explanation from the Author

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*Credits to The Pacific Standard for the image.

Dearest Reader,

It has been four miserable years since I'd last written anything to add up to this story. I don't really know how to say this, but I had struggled with writer's block and coped with anxiety for the last few years. I'm sure that other people have done this, as have I (multiple times), wherein I would update a new chapter and dash it all about the other ones. It has been a physically and, most annoyingly, mentally draining experience I've ever encountered in my role as a writer. 

 But in the end, I would like to apologize to you, Dear Reader, for not giving up on me...even if I sometimes feel like giving up on writing entirely. 

I have been online here recently and it still amazes and surprises me that a lot of people still read my stories, particularly Crushing on Royalty. Some of you still wish for me to finish You Are My Summer and I've already drafted up some new chapters that even astonishes me. 

I don't know where the inspiration came from -- maybe from watching Pride & Prejudice (2005) recently and swept me in its beautiful world of revelations, betrayal and, most of all, romance. And I missed it. I missed creating my own world where I breathe life into my characters and give them their own uniqueness with my personal touch. I've always missed writing ever since I stopped completely. It made me sad every time I read books, even my old stories, and made me wonder how I ever had so much energy and life when it all led to a certain disappointment in myself as writer. 

I've really missed writing. I'm taking things slow, in my own pace, because I still fear that this will all be swept away and my inspiration will run its course. For now, I am happy and excited for the future of You Are My Summer. My writing has, in some way, matured and I sincerely hope you enjoy it because it makes me very happy. 

In some way, I have crawled out of the black confines of a mental prison in which we call writer's block and am hoping I remain free. 

I hope you're still with me on this journey. If not, I thank you and smile upon you.

For those of you who are experiencing the same thing, know that I am with you and giving you a great big hug somewhere across the globe. 

May you experience Happy Reading!


The Author

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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