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IT WAS ANOTHER ORDINARY DAY IN SCHOOL for ethan. he walked the halls just like any other kid, went to class like any other kid. ethan was popular along with his brother grayson. the pair were well known around the school, both for different reasons.

grayson was more the "party animal" you can say but in reality he wasn't. he was chilled and laid back but very straightforward with what he wanted. what he wanted he got.
it's just what he needed,
he could never seem to get.

ethan on the other hand was the more shy and closed off twin. of course he wasn't just some antisocial kid that never got out. he partied and had fun.
he just never seemed to get what he needed or wanted.

as ethan walked the busy hallway with his head hanging low and hands attached to his backpack straps, he hears the familiar yet distant giggle. he looks up to see her.
it's like everything was in slow motion at this point. he watched her hips sway to an offbeat and her heels clicking to the floor on beat.
the pair walked past each other and made eye contact for a point of a second. to ethan that point of a second was magical but to you it was just another look. ethan looked back to see her join some random boy and they join at the hip which shatters ethan to pieces.

"someone said they left together" grayson speaks sneaking up on his brother causing him to have a near heart attack. ethan looks at grayson to which grayson speaks "go get your girl." so i ran out the door to get her.
i was late due to the fact that
she was holding hands with trevor.
not the greatest feeling ever.

grayson saw his twin being heartbroken in the distance to which he jogs over to him to comfort him.
grayson heavily sighs then said "pull yourself together you should try your luck with heather"

the less i know the better  ˻ethan dolan˼✔︎Where stories live. Discover now