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OUR NEW LIVES HAD JUST BEGUN AND TODAY MARKED our official last day of high school as we swung our tassels to the left , receiving our diploma.

all of the students threw their caps in the air as the principal announced the class of '2017' .
ethan watched as everything around him felt as it was in slow motion.
he saw the smiles on all the young adults faces which only caused his heart to yearn more.

that when he locked eyes with you.
you had.
oh, sweet darling, where he wants you.
ethan made his way through the crowd as his world was still moving in slow motion.

"ethan what are you doing?!" grayson called out to which his twin turns around and yells "i'm going to get my girl." with that ethan pulled you in by your waist and dipped you low. "ethan!" you squeal lowly but soon stop as you felt the pair of his soft cloud plump lips crash onto yours.

you loved this feeling.
it was something your craved.
but he was too late.

ethan felt a sting across his cheek as he stood you up. he saw the tears running down your face and felt like he had last you forever, even if he already did along time ago.

Said, "Come on Superman, say your stupid line"
Said, "Come on Superman, say your stupid line"
Said, "Come on Superman, say your stupid line"

1 more chapter

the less i know the better  ˻ethan dolan˼✔︎Where stories live. Discover now