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MONTHS WENT ON OF ETHAN JUST WATCHING his lover in the distance and being with trevor.
it was never confirmed if it was trevor though.

oh, the less I know the better.
i don't need her right?
the less i know the better.

ethan walked hand and hand with heather as he in fact tried his luck with heather. grayson was right, they were nearly perfect for each other.
not as perfect as you and ethan would be.

ethan still felt a sense of displacement and emptiness inside. he knew being with heather was wrong since he was still deeply in love with you.
he could never seem to make that feeling go away.
it just never seem to leave no matter how hard he tried.
he tried making love to heather but to him it was just vanilla sex.

oh but with you, he'd make love to you while still tearing your pretty pussy apart.
that was his end goal.
to have you.

oh my love, can't you see yourself by my side?
why can't i have her?
why can't she be mine?
i love her and she doesn't love me.

no surprise when you're on his shoulder like every night.
you were always with him.
joined at the hip,
just like we use to be.

oh my love, can't you see that you're on my mind.
you're always on my mind.
you're more intoxicating than a drug,
dangerously lethal.

ethan's thoughts were interrupted when he bumps into a tiny, dainty figure. he looks down to see her dusting off her cherry dress.
ethan doesn't speak and continues to walk away.

"um excuse you?" she spoke causing ethan to turn around with disbelief. a scoff leaves his mouth as he turns on his heel to leave again. "what's your problem?" she scoffs to which ethan was quick to turn around and pull the girl into an empty class. he draws the class room door blinds shut and begins to attack her neck with passionate yet lustfull kisses.

"ethan" she moans running her red acrylic nails through his dark hazel nut hair. "don't suppose you could convince your lover to change his mind" she looks at ethan with lustfull eyes and pulls him in for a sweet and long passionate kiss.
"i can't ethan" she speaks turning back a round adjusting herself and her composure.

"why not?" ethan ask in more of a antic tone. "i just can't..." she trails off to then ethan ask "so?"
"so goodbye"

the less i know the better  ˻ethan dolan˼✔︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora