Chapter One

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I smiled as I walked up to the location Shego sent me- It's been a while since we last talked in person and since she just said yes to being my girlfriend over text and then asked me to come over I feel even luckier to be in the same room as her- I have the right to call her mine, even if I don't deserve her. I knocked on the door to the weird base- and the door was like, hanging over the edge of a cliff. So someone would either half to flat or climb up the mountain to get here- which makes me think that people typically use ships of some sort to get up here.

Y/n: Uh- Shego? Anyone home?

I waited for a response- for about five minutes nothing happened. Just when I was about to knock again I heard the lock come undone.

Y/n: Either one of my powers did that- or someone finally answered the door. Either way- I'm not cold anymore sooo...

I walked inside and noticed that there were a lot of large henchman in red suits. But they seemed focused on their 'team bonding games'... so I left them be. I walked up a lot of stairs- by the time I reached the top I felt like falling over. Fucking stairs.

Y/n: Why stairs? No one likes stairs. No one.

I sighed as I started walking towards a larger room full of boxes and crates.

Y/n: I'm 99% sure that I'm 100% lost.

As soon as rounded a corner of boxes I saw Shego- and damn is she hot in that spandex suit.

Y/n: Shego!

She turned around and smiled, I smiled and hugged her- burying my face in her neck.

Shego: Wow- Cuddly much?

Y/n: I literally barely see you- or people for that matter. Let me have this.

Shego rolled her eyes while I nuzzled her neck.

Shego: Alright- that's enough. I have someone that you would like to see-  I'm sure you know him.

I pulled back from Shego's neck, She looked down at me before staring at the door. She looked at it for a minute before sighing.

Shego: That was your cue.

???: Oh- Darn it!

Y/n:... did he just say 'darn it'... the word damnit exists for a reason.

Shego: He's... a work in progress.


Drakken walked out from behind the door- before he could even see her Y/n was hugging the life out of him.

Y/n: Damn you look worse- how much blueberry did you eat man?

Drakken: That's *wheeze* my... face

Y/n stepped back, a cunning smile in her face.

Y/n: You sure- there appears to be some blueberry right here- no here.

Y/n pinched all over Drakken's face before Drakken growled and Y/n broke out laughing.

Y/n: Damn- your still as angry as ever.

Drakken: Yeah- But What happened to you? Mom said you were kicked out of the family.

Y/n: Oh no- I wasn't kicked out, I was abandoned. I assume you know I reached my goal.

Drakken: Yeah- speaking of that... where are the ears and tail?

Y/n: I normally keep them hidden when I go out in public.

Y/n ruffled her hair and let her ears and tail out, a smile on her face.

Y/n: Well- at midnight about three days after you left to presume evil- which was also the night I achieved my goal, that woman came into my room in the middle of the night and sleep drugged me. Then she drove to nowhere in the middle of the night and left me there to die- by the way, those sleep drugs have the worst hangovers ever. I would have preferred a baseball bat to the head.

Drakken: Really? How'd you find your way back to the city?

Y/n: Well- I was close to starvation in the fields when an asteroid shower started- one started heading right for me. I thought I was gonna die then and there but instead I was filled with immense strength- when I was about to get up however two more asteroids headed strait for me. They both were full of great power- now I have so many powers that I haven't even discovered all of them- but I know I don't need to sleep, I can go a long while without food or water, and a lot more.

Drakken And Shego we're both taken back- Shego was the first to speak.

Shego: So- the same thing happened to you?

Y/n: Huh?

Shego: The asteroid, one hit my tree house while me and my brothers were inside of it. Only each of us only got one power- so maybe since there were more people in the blast range of the asteroid the powers were split.

Y/n: Strange- But most likely true. And since I was in the middle of nowhere no one was around to share the powers with me.

Drakken: Well- How did you get back?

Y/n: Teleportation. I just thought of the place I considered home- our old get away.

Drakken: You mean that old tent in that weird cave?

Y/n: Yep.

Drakken: I can't believe mother would do this!

Shego: I can't believe I'm dating your sister- let alone the fact that we have powers from the same source.

Y/n: I can't believe I haven't passed out from hunger yet.

Shego: Yea- Wait, What? When was the last time you ate food?

Y/n: Our last date- I was basically broke until I made that song a few days ago.

Shego: Yeah- we saw that.... do you actually smoke?

Y/n: I used to, I had depression and didn't care for myself for a very long time. Then I realized that I was doing the same thing that old bag wanted me to do- die. I was slowly killing myself- until I decided to get better.

Shego: Our last date was like....

Y/n: Two months and fourteen days ago. I have an extremely good memory.

Drakken: Then why were you always horrible in school?

Y/n: Fuck school! That shit ain't worth my time or knowledge- besides, I already knew everything- but I wanted to make our 'mother' angry. So every year I would bring home grades low enough so that I would just barely pass.

Shego: What about college?

Y/n: I was gonna go to Harvard- but the day before I was gonna submit my application that woman abandoned me in the middle of nowhere- besides, I don't need college.

Drakken: Well- I'm just glad your okay.

Y/n: Well- enough about me. I wanna know if my bro here found any love interests?

Drakken: Bleh- love. Who needs it?

Drakken didn't realize he said that in front of his sister's girlfriend until it was too late. Shego started firing beams of energy at him as he ran.

Drakken: W-Wait! I'm sorry! I didn't realize!

Shego: Oh your gonna realize alright! *blasts*

Drakken: Ah! Y/n- Help!

Y/n just laughed and shook her head.

Y/n: Nah- this is so comedy gold. *Pulls out Phone* Say cheese for the camera! *Starts Recording*

My Sexy Villain~ (Kim Possible: Shego x Female Werewolf Reader)Where stories live. Discover now