Chapter Two

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Y/n sat bored as she stared at her phone screen, it had been a week since she met her brother again and she her moved into his guest room. It's been a calm week and according to Shego, Y/n should enjoy it- cause apparently things aren't calm around here most of the time. Y/n decided to go check on Shego, it's been nice getting to see her everyday- it's brought them a lot closer then Y/n thought it would. Y/n walked into the room- only to be met with the sight of Drakken and a large power point presentation.

Y/n: ...uh- wat?

Shego walked out from around the corner- before groaning at the sight of the power point.

Shego: Is it time for the next big plot to take over the world already?

Drakken: Yes Shego- this time it'll be foolproof! Because now- we have Y/n on our side!

Y/n: Wait- WHAT? No, nuh-uh mister. I may support you being a villain and I may date a hot villain but I am not a villain- and nor am I a good guy. I'm just neutral.

Shego blushed but smirked towards Y/n, she slowly wrapped her arms around Y/n's waist from behind her.

Shego: Are you sure you're not a bad guy?

Y/n started stuttering- as her face heated up.

Y/n: L-Look- the most I've d-done is stolen some s- small stuff- what am I even supposed t- to do a- anyways?

Drakken: Well- Your role in this large operation is to do some heavy lifting... you can do that right?

Y/n looked at him with a 'really' look.

Y/n: Bro- I literally lifted your large ass couch one handed yesterday so you could vacuum.

Drakken: Good point- Your job is to grab the crates full of money and load them onto the ship while Shego deals with Kim Possible and I keep them distracted.

Shego: How is this plan going to work where all the others fail?

Drakken: This time- they won't know what we're doing, because our henchman will be loading a different truck full of money, that way when they stop the henchman they'll think they've won and we'll get away with the money.

Shego: That is the most.... foolproof plan I think you've ever made. This might actually work for once.

Y/n: Hm- Fine. But I don't want people to know who I am just yet- so while ya'll do what you're doing- I will be loading the ship while I'm invisible.

Drakken: That way the security cameras won't even detect you!

Y/n: Well- not until they see the crates magically lifting up into the air they won't.

Drakken: Yes, Yes. Whatever- the operation starts at 4:00pm tomorrow.

Y/n: Alright. 'If this happened later at night wouldn't there be less of a chance of Kim Possible showing up?'

Shego: Well- I'll be heading home soon.

Drakken: Actually- for sake of the operation, your staying overnight tonight.

Shego: What!? There's not even a guest room anymore!

Y/n: I- I can just sleep on the couch, it's fi-

Shego: Nope, I'll sleep on the couch.

As Drakken watched this argument form he slowly started walking away until he was out of the room.

Y/n: No- I'm not letting you sleep on the couch! That thing's a rock!

Shego: Oh yeah- watch me.

Y/n: I'll pass out way before you on that couch! No way your sleeping there!

Shego: Says Who?

Y/n: Says me!

Shego: You're not sleeping on that couch!

Y/n: Well you're not eithe- *Mphh!*

As Shego roughly kisses Y/n she snaked her arms around Y/n's waist and pulled her closer- when Y/n pulled back for air there was black lipstick slathered all over her mouth. Y/n blushed and panted slightly- staring up at Shego slightly.

Shego: Then it's decided- We'll share the guest bed.

Y/n blushed and was about to reject when Shego slammed her lips on Y/n's again. When Y/n pulled back for air she stared at Shego in shock.

Shego: You talk too much. Now- it's getting late. Let's go to bed.

Shego picked the blushing
Y/n up and walked towards the now shared room. As soon as they were inside Y/n went inside the bathroom to change.

Y/n: Tell me when your done changing.

Y/n waited patiently, when Shego gave the okay she walked out started blushing like crazy- there Shego stood in only a thin green t-shirt and a pair of black underwear.
Y/n was in some dark blue boxers and a black tank top.

Shego: You know- it's so easy to forget your a futa sometimes.

Y/n blushed and looked away.

Y/n: It just happened with the wolf thing- I'm pretty sure I used a male wolf's genes instead of a female wolf's.

Shego: Well- either way it makes you even more adorable.

Y/n blushed and just climbed into the bed- her back facing Shego. As soon as the lights were off Y/n could feel Shego climbing into the bed.

Shego: Aw come on- don't you wanna cuddle? You're always so touchy whenever you can be- why not now?

Y/n said nothing but slowly shifted so that she was facing Shego- Shego smiled slightly as she looked into Y/n's glowing eyes.

Shego: Damn- that's creepy and hot all in one.

Y/n blushed as Shego wrapped her arms around her waist, Y/n sighed and wrapped her arms around Shego's torso.

Y/n: I love you...

Shego: Heh- I love you too... furry.

Y/n huffed and rested her head on what she thought was her pillow. Shego smiled slightly and rested her head on top of Y/n's. Soon they were both out like a light...

*TimeSkip: Morning*

Y/n groaned as she noticed her heat source was gone- she slowly sat up and looked around sleepily- only to sigh when she heard water running from the bathroom. She rolled over and nodded back off to sleep...

When Y/n came to again she sat up- only to throw her head back onto the pillow when she saw her half naked girlfriend in front of her. She chucked the blanket over her head and felt like screaming when she heard Shego chuckle.

Shego: Relax- It's not like your never going to see it again~

Y/n shivered before huffing and shoving her face into a pillow.

Shego: Comfy under there? Cause when you nuzzle your head into that pillow it reminds me of how you slept on my breasts last night~

Y/n: What!? That- But! The pillow- How!?

Shego chuckled as she walked out of the room, smiling to herself. Y/n huffed and got up- before changing into a black tank top, ripped blue jeans, and her red jacket with black converse.

Y/n: I could have sworn my head was on the pillow last night...

Y/n walked into the kitchen, searching for some food she could eat for breakfast. This was definitely going to be an interesting day alright.

My Sexy Villain~ (Kim Possible: Shego x Female Werewolf Reader)Where stories live. Discover now