Chapter Three

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Y/n sighed as she dropped down from the ship, as soon as her feet hit the ground she undid the harness- Shego doing the same. Drakken was taking 'the safe way' and just landing the ship.

Shego: The crates should be on your right, Good luck- cause there's a lot of them.

Y/n: Heh- Good luck with Kim, don't let her get under your skin.

Y/n kissed Shego on the cheek before turning invisible. Y/n was only in her black tank top and blue jeans- she decided the mission would be easier without the long sleeves.

Y/n: Alright- let's see about these crate- .... damn that's a lot of crates. I gotta speed this up!

Y/n picked up two crates and started running the route marked on the map Drakken made her- when she arrived at the dock she saw the ship- no Drakken or Shego, which means they're doing their jobs perfectly. Y/n repeated this process many times until there were only two crates left. She picked them up and started running- when she loaded them onto the ship she closed the trap door and ran to the control board.

Y/n: Alright- One pickup ship coming through.

Y/n started up the ship and flew towards Drakken and Shego, when she was able to see them she saw Shego about to get hit by a pole- so she blasted it out fo the way. Y/n lowered the escape ladder- then started to raise it when she was sure Drakken and Shego had a grip on the ladder. Soon all three were standing in the cockpit.

Y/n: That... wasn't as crazy as I expected it to be. Kinda anticlimactic to be honest.

Shego: Except for when a laser saved my life.

Drakken: But we did it! Finally.

Shego: You know- you don't have to be invisible anymore Y/-

Y/n shushed Shego as she sniffed the air- then she growled slightly.

Y/n: My name is 'Jax'.... and Jax needs to go deal with some unexpected guests...

Shego was slightly confused but then nodded her head as she realized what Y/n was saying.

Shego: Alright 'Jax'. Don't take too long.

Y/n nodded and walked to the sliding door of the ship- when she opened it she ducked from a punch to the face. When she turned around she saw 'Kim Possible' looking around for an enemy. Y/n said nothing just sighed as she grabbed the emergency parachute and then Kim.

Y/n: *Deep Male Voice* Here- You're gonna need this.

Y/n shoved the parachute into Kim's arms before throwing her out of the plane. Then she shut the sliding doors.

Y/n: Damn- That voice was weird... oh well.

Y/n sniffed the air one final time

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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