hungover ☁️

896 8 7

context : clementine is drunk, so violet and louis have to carry her home

note/s : in this au, violet, clem, and louis live in a apartment louis pays for.

rated ☁️ for fluff.

"Ngghh" Clementine groggily slumped onto Violet, Violet's glare was set onto the dread head, who had Clem's arm wrapped around him, the other arm being on Violet. Thanks to Louis here— he encouraged her to have a drink, and it easily escalated fast after her first glass. Clementine was a natural drinker, and Louis realised his mistake when she drank more than just a sip. Heck, she took a chug out of that bottle of beer.

"Thanks to you Louis, Clem's drunk" Clementine let out a wheeze, as Violet caressed her back "I know I made a mistake, I only told her to take a sip and she drank 3 glasses." Violet still remained stoic, as she held onto her girlfriend "You aren't being such a good boyfriend, Louis" Violet said, without really meaning it. Honestly, she thinks he's doing the better job at dating than her. Smooth fuck

Louis faked his offence "I am being a good one"

They reached their apartment complex, as Louis fished out the keys, Clementine had a death grip on the blonde. They hurried on inside, it was probably around 12:30 at midnight, and they needed to aid to the drunken girlfriend now. It was Louis' turn to take care of her, as he held onto her, and took off her flats, Violet walked over to the doors "Hey, I'm going to set up the bath and the bed for you know, Clementine."

Louis nodded, as Clementine leaned on him with urgency "Louis?" Her voice sounded raspy, and tired. Almost scratchy— Louis hummed in response, holding Clementine dearly "Yeah?"

Clementine gagged "I think I'm going to puke.." Louis' tired eyes shot open, as he held onto her even more tightly "Oh my— We'll be there soon Clem, i'm sorry." He said as he rushed over to the bathroom downstairs, Clementine couldn't contain herself, as she gags once more, before barfing into the toilet. He holds back her hair, and takes off her cap as she pukes, Clementine wipes her mouth with guilt in her eyes "I'm sorry Louis" She groans before going back to the toilet to puke once more.

She finishes, as she flushes the toilet, "I'm worried that you're squeamish." Clementine chuckled drunkly, the smell of alcohol was strong, and the drunk-ness was all over her, the crimson shade was all over her cheeks, Louis chuckles and moves the piece of hair out of her face "I'm not squeamish when it comes to you, or Violet." Louis winks, putting her cap back on

Louis carries Clementine into the bathroom, the sight was warming for once. It was Violet toying with the water temperature and the pressure, her sleeves were rolled up, and she had a bottle of bubble foam in her hand. She sets the bottle down and walks over to Clementine "Are you feeling better?" Clementine holds up a 'Okay' sign "A little bit."

Violet chuckled, and kisses her cheek. She heads over to the doorway "I'll fetch her som water. You help her, okay?" Louis winks, Violet groans as she quickly exits the room.

Louis tests the water pressure, it was warm— but it was also cold, lukewarm if you will. He goes into the cabinet to fish the bubble bath foam. Something to fit Clementine's drunken mood, he picks out Lavender, and looks at Clementine for approval

She nods, Louis pours some of the bottle into the bath, to form bubbles. Clementine giggles, almost childlike. Maybe she was really intoxicated, Louis scans for a fresh towel, and sets it on the table. He walks out of the bathroom to fetch a pair of new clothes for Clementine, and sets it on the table as well

"Change into this after." He shines a grin, Clementine chuckles as she starts to remove her jacket "Are you going to join me in the bath?" Louis choked on his own air, as he shakes his head. It was something he wanted to do, but Violet would whoop him if they went on their little bubble bath by themselves.

He rushes out of the bathroom, respecting privacy. He goes into a separate room to change his clothes, He sits on the couch, and sighs. Violet walks out of her room, in fresh clothes "Is Clementine doing alright?" Louis holds his thumb upwards "Yeah, I gave her clothes and stuff. No problem"

"Yeaah, not really no problem. She'll be really hungover tomorrow, and she'll probably be unable to show up to 7am Classes." Louis forgot about the 7am classes "Don't we have a day off tomorrow?"

Turns out, Violet was forgetful about that "Right— I forgot for a moment" Louis chuckles.

Clementine leaves the bathroom, her hair was slightly damp, and slightly dry. Depicting that she dried it herself, Clementine ran to the bed and rested on the covers.

"I'll get the comb" Violet props Clementine upwards, hugging her "Yeah uh.. sorry that you're drunk. It'll be okay" Violet then again, shoots a glare at the boy

Louis grabs the comb and hands it to Violet, Louis sits behind Clementine and holds her tightly, holding her firmly so Violet could comb her hair

Violet manages to examine Clementine, she no longer smelled of booze, she smelled vaguely of Lavender, and her face was still somewhat red, from being intoxicated, and one thing was for sure, she'd look good with her hair down

Violet gets the tangles out, as she puts the brush down "I'll turn off the lamp, we're all exhausted." And that was a fact.

Clementine snuggles into the blankets, as Louis lays down on her right, and Violet on her left; sandwiching her with Love

They both press their lips onto her cheek "We love you Clementine." Clementine chuckles "I love you both.." She says in a whisper, her voice fading off into slumber

word count : 1008

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