Chapter 3

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Senya sighed as she reached the first group of houses. She didn't know why Babcia had been so troubled when she had shown her the strange object. It was just a price of clay, no harm was going to come from it!

Sighing in resignation, Senya knocked on the door of Tinca, the village healer. She was the one everyone went to first, Babcia second. And she paid well for the wares.

Senya frowned and knocked again. Tinca was never late. Easily frazzled yes, but late? Never. Suddenly the door opened to show Tinca's apprentice; Senya didn't know his name.

"Hi, Senya!" He said energetically. "I'm sorry, but Tinca is out. She said you'd be coming along though. She left the money on her desk."

"Thank you" Senya replied. "But I don't need to take the money now. I'll drop off the items now and pick up the pay later." She smiled and the apprentice nodded in agreement.

Just then, a peal of bells sounded. The boy's eyes lit up with excitement.

"The Council has gathered for a meeting!" He said excitedly. "That means everyone will be in the town square. Are you going? He asked Senya.

Senya shook her head. "Thanks, but I have to finish my rounds" she replied. Then with a smile, she hurried off.

As she hurriedly placed her wares in front of the houses, her mind began to wander. After the Great War, six of the warriors who had defeated the Stone Giant joined together to form the Council, to ensure peace and order. They had rebuilt most of the village, they had set up the MarketPlace for fair trade, and whenever the bells rang, they had gathered to solve the problems of the town.

Then Senya frowned. The Great War had happened over a millennium ago, and the Council meetings had slowly diminished over the years. No one knew who they were, as they always wore hooded cloaks. Most people thought that their descendants would take over because no one could live forever.


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