Chapter 6

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Senya ran

Out the window, through the square, and up the hill towards the house because they could not be talking about her, could not think that she was something other than herself, knew nothing about her, she led a simple life, she could not be different...... 

Senya burst through the door, catching herself on a chair. "Babcia?" She called. "Babcia, where are you?"

But she was nowhere to be found.

Senya staggered into her room and collapsed onto her bed. To think that she was actually able to spy on the Council! But they were strange, they were not normal, could not be normal, and she knew them...

Tinca, the village healer who could heal anything like it never existed.....

Faern, the blind watchman who dedicated his life to watching the stars.....

Rina, the glasswork Master, who kept her fires hot, and the glasswork legendary.......

Those two strange men......

And the sobbing woman.

Senya covered her head. What else had she missed? Master Browtan!! Was he working for them as well? It was all too much. She screamed into her blankets.

A rustling noise made her lookup. 

The clay object-an egg they had called it- sat on the window ledge

Senya approached it with caution. According to the Council, it was dangerous. According to Babcia, it should be destroyed 

But did she really trust the Council anymore? She reached out and paused. 

She did not trust the Council.

But she did trust Babcia.

So she turned away and was going to walk out-

"Touch it"

Senya stopped 

"Touch the egg"

"You have to touch the egg"

She stepped forward again...


Fell, flailing her arms...

...And her hand landed...

Right on the egg.

Senya screamed.

It was like touching live coal. Worse than that. It was like the time her arm had gotten trapped in the kiln and the door wouldn't open. It was like touching...

A dragon's fiery breath.

Still screaming, Senya picked it up and threw it...

Right into the fire.

Into the fire

The fire



Senya was thrown backward and passed out.

The last thing she heard was the door being thrown open.....

"Senya! Senya!"

"What happened? What did she do?"

"Her hand, oh spirits, look at her hand. Someone get me a tincture!"

"Encase her hand in water first, that should help"

"Look at the fire, what happened to the fire?"

"Get her out of here, we have to go!"

"Senya, oh Senya, my darling, my girl"

"I'm sorry"

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