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It was now 12 in the morning and the boys just left on a hunt for Kingston and his minions. I was still at the HBG house with Crystal and Jae. Finally Jae was being nice I guess she just needed her ass whopped one good time. We were in the living room watching a movie as we all cuddled up under the covers. I stopped paying attention to the movie along time ago and started thinking about Tremaine. I miss him. "You not even paying attention." Jae said nudging me. "Yes I am." I laughed a little looking back at the tv. A few minutes later the front door flew open and in walked in the boys helping Prime into the house. His shirt was covered in blood and his eyes were low. "What the hell happened ?" Crystal asking getting from off the couch with me and Jae following her. "A shootout is what happened." Dc said sitting Prime on the couch. "He's bleeding too much we gotta take him to a real hospital." Ghost said trying to stop the bleeding. I looked at Tremaine and could see the hurt all over his face. I watched as Prime started to close his eyes. "Prime listen to me. You have to keep your eyes open for us. Okay ?" I asked. He nodded a little completely out of it. Dc and Ghost carried him to the car as we all followed behind. Tremaine didn't say much the whole car ride to the hospital but I could see the pain and hurt in his face as he sped through traffic. We made it to the hospital and Prime was immediately taken to the back. I sat next to Tremaine holding his hand as he looked up at the ceiling. "Baby he's gonna be okay he's strong." I said wiping the tear that slowly escaped his eye. I sighed looking at everybody looking so depressed. I pulled out my phone texting Kianna letting her know what was going on since her and Prime had been talking for a few weeks. Minutes later the hospital doors opened as she rushed in. "Is he okay ?" She asked me. "Idk we haven't heard anything." I replied making her sigh. After sitting in the lobby for an hour the doctor came over to us with the saddest look on his face and I just knew it wasn't gonna be good. "Shit." I heard Tremaine mumble as he looked at the doctor. "Well he lost a lot of blood and it's not looking good right now. We have him on a breathing machine since he can't really breath on his own right now. The bullet to the neck and stomach is what's hurting him the worst right now. He's unresponsive but there's still hope for him but right now it's not looking too good." The doctor explained before walking away.

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