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Jeongyeon was packing all the things they need,while Nayeon and the kids are at the car waiting for Jeongyeon.

Yeonju:Hurry up,Omma!

Jeongyeon:Okay just way a minutue.

As Jeongyeon was finished everything was all set.

Nayeon:I'll just call pd-nim if she want to come.

Jeongyeon:Sure the more the merrier.

Nayeon called Pd-nim but,sadly she couldn't come as she had someone to interview.

Jeongyeon:It's okay maybe next time then.

After that they moved and has arrived at the park.


Namyeo:Browter Yeonju~ Let's play!

Yeonju:Okay haha.

Yeonju and Namyeo are playing tag while Jayeon is just watching them.

Jeongyeon went to Jayeon.

Jeongyeon:Aren't you going to join them?

Jayeon shook his head.

Jayeon:I am sleepy Omma.

Jayeon then starts to yawn then falls asleep,Jeongyeon just carried Jayeon.

Nayeon apporoached them.

Nayeon:What happenend?

Jeongyeon:He fell asleep,he is so cute look at my baby boy.

Nayeon:haha,well he isn't going to be a baby anymore he will be a handsome young man.

Jeongyeon:Ofcourse he will be handsome just like me.

Nayeon playfully slapped Jeongyeon.

The two then sat down,Jayeon was sleeping at Nayeon's lap while the other two where playing around.

Nayeon:Jeong,why don't we have a date?

Jeongyeon:huh? Well who will take care of the kids?

Nayeon then cupped Jeongyeon's face.

Nayeon:I will call Mina and Chaeyoung,besides we do rarely go out nowdays.

Jeongyeon thinked for a moment.

Jeongyeon:Sure,I do want to hangout with you my princess.

Jeongyeon gives Nayeon a peck on the cheeck.

Nayeon:I love you.

Jeongyeon:I love you too.

Namyeo and Yeonju:And we love you too.

The two where startled.

Jeongyeon:You scared me there for a sec.

Jeongyeon then carried Yeonju and made him sit on her lap while Namyeo was at Nayeon's side.

Namyeo:We love you Mama bunny(she said with a smile)

Yeonju:And we love you too Jeongie-omma.

All of us then had a big hug.

I really love my family.

A Married Life/2yeonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora