Romeo and Juliet

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It was a ordinary day in the Yoo Family.

Jeongyeon was cleaning the room while Nayeon was on her phone and the kids are playing together.

Nayeon:Jeong, can you come her for a second?

Jeongyeon:(walks up to Nayeon) what's up?

Nayeon:(shows the video) there's this challenge where I get to be juliet and you as my romeo.

Jeongyeon was confused to what her wife is talking about.

Jeongyeon:Yah, I don't have time for this I have to clean our room(leaves Nayeon and looks the door)

Nayeon:My Romeo~ don't leave me!(cries in defeat)

The kids went to see what happenend, there they saw thier Mama bunny sulking.

Jayeon:Omma, whats wong?

Yeonju:I guess Mama bunny and Jeongie-omma had a fiht.

Namyeo:Jungie-omma, pabo.

While the kids where talking about thier omma, Nayeon had an idea.

Nayeon: My babies I have an Idea!

Jayeon:what is it omma?

That's when Nayeon then told the kids about her plan.

Finally after a few minutues Jeongyeon is done cleaning the room.

Jeongyeon:that's all for today then(about to leave the room)

As Jeongyeon open the door there she saw Nayeon wearing a princess.

Jeongyeon:Um, what are you wearing?

Nayeon:it's a dress don't worry my romeo you have one two(snaps her fingers)

The kids then shows Jeongyeon a really ridiculous prince costume.

Jeongyeon: There is no way I'm going to wear that?!

The kids: you don't have a chois Omma(coners Jeongyeon and forces her to wear it)


After all that Jeongyeon got to wear the costume and is beside Nayeon.

Namyeo: Waw, Jungie-omma and mama bunny loks pwetty.

Jeongyeon blushed while Nayeon held her wife's hands.

Nayeon:isn't just like our wedding Jeong?

Jeongyeon then smiled.

Jeongyeon:Yeah, you were very pretty.

Nayeon blushed and two then started at each other.

Jayeon:So Omma, are you going to kiss now?

The two blushed so hard while the kids laughed at them.

Jeongyeon: You'll always be my Juliet, Im Nayeon.

Nayeon:And Your my forever Romeo,Yoo Jeongyeon.

Bonus:Namyeo talking to Michaeng

Namyeo:Auntie-chaeng why are you so swort?

Chaeyoung:(squishes Namyeo's cheecks) what did you say? Hmmmmm?I couldn't hear youu?

Mina:Chae, let go Namyeo now please you're scaring her(pulls Namyeo away from Chaeyoung)

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