Jayeon's Story(sc)

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While Nayeon and Jeongyeon are away Pd-nim came and interview the kids.

Pd-nim Writer:Hello Jayeon~

Jayeon:Hi Pd-nim😁

Pd-nim:Anyways how are you?

Jayeon:I'm very good and I take care of my sibwings.

Pd-nim:Aw that is very good,Jayeon I will ask you some questions okay?

Jayeon nodded.

Pd-nim:Okay Jayeon,are you happy with your mommies?

Jayeon:(nods his head)Mama bunny and  Jeongie omma loves me very much

Pd-nim:Hehe that's good do you want to share something with us back then when you were a baby?



Nayeon and Jeongyeon where just newlyweds at that time.

They had Jayeon 1year after thier marriage.

And that's where things were very hard.

Nayeon was cooking breakfast and Jeongyeon was preparing for work while Jayeon was 1yrs old.

Jeongyeon:Nayeonie,I'm going to work now!

Nayeon:Okay here's your lunch(hands Jeongyeon her lunch)

Jeongyeon:Hehe thank you wifey~ (kisses Nayeon's cheeck)

Nayeon:(blushes) Hurry already you will be late.

Jeongyeon smiled and went to Jayeon.

Jeongyeon:I'll be going now Jayie,be good okay?

Jayeon tapped Jeongyeon's hand assuring he is good.

Jeongyeon:Haha so cute,Bye you little bunny(kisses Jayeon's head and left)

Nayeon carried Jayeon.

Nayeon:Now you and I will eat okay?

Jayeon smiled and nodded.

After a whole long day Nayeon fell asleep,While Jayeon played with his toys.

Suddenly Jeongyeon came home,she stared at the tired bunny.

Jeongyeon:Such a cutie,Hey there little guy(Carries Jayeon)

Jayeon laughed making Nayeon awake.

Nayeon:Oh your home already!

Jeongyeon:Sorry if we woke you up.

Nayeon:it's fine let's eat dinner.

Jeongyeon:(held's Nayeon hand)Don't stress youself okay why don't you play with Jayeon here?

Jayeon put his arms out to Nayeon,making her to carry Jayeon and smiled at him.

Jeongyeon:Aw so cute,let's take you two a picture.

(The picture is in the top)

Nayeon:Love you Jayeon~

Jayeon:wav u ma ma

Nayeon and Jeongyeon where shocked and was jumping with joy.

End Flashback

Pd-nim:Aw that's so sweet hehe any last words then?

Jayeon:Please support our story😁

And that's how Jayeon's Interview end.

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