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Simmons was always protective of Fitz. The reason being, when they were in the academy, a fellow student started to pick on Fitz. Always saying how dumb he was, in a way kind of like his father did to him. Fitz let these things get to him, and it was Simmons who taught him he wasn't stupid. She would bring him his favorite sandwich and they would binge watch Doctor Who, and Jemma would subtly bring up a complex science question. Fitz would then go into great detail explains every equation and answer and slowly became aware of what Jemma was doing. But it has already done it's work. Fitz became more confident in his own I.Q (which is astounding) and this kid's words didn't bother him anymore. And Jemma may have bargained with a friend from Operations to "rough-up" the bully. Poor kid couldn't get rid of the black eye for a month.

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