If They Had Pets

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Melinda May - A Fish
It's easy to care for, and it doesn't require touch to feel loved.

Phil Coulson - Chinchilla
It's smol and fuzzy. Enough said.

Skye/Daisy - Lizard
She got a lizard named Duke because he was all alone in the pet store and she didn't want him to be alone anymore. Plus, he is quite cute.

Leopold Fitz - A monkey
With his obsession with monkeys, of course he has one.

Jemma Simmons - Hedgehog
Imagine Jemma has a little hedgehog she named Cupcake that wears a lab coat and goggles and just rides around on her shoulder.

Grant Ward - A Cat
Ward turns around in a spinning chair with a cat. The Hydra Agents are too afraid of him to tell him to leave all weaknesses behind.

Bobbi Morse - A mouse
Lance once made a joke about Bobbi's last name being "Mouse" instead of "Morse" and so she went out a bought a mouse as retaliation. Hunter isn't a big fan of mice, and Bobbi puts her pet on his head when he is unsuspecting.

Lance Hunter - Ferret
Ever since rescuing Fitz, Hunter wanted a ferret, so he got one.

Mack - A dog
Mack wanted something simple, and it was hilarious to see him playing fetch with a Poodle named Harley. Plus, when he has time off, they watch the AKC dog shows.

Yo-Yo - A parrot
Elena taught her bird how to cuss at people in Spanish. Nobody but Mack knows, and everyone else is very confused when a bird says "vete a la mierda" to them.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D randomnessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora