Left Alone

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Quiet tapping was all that was heard in the space. The sun had already set, making only the computer screen give off any light. The girl sat with her back against the wall, writing something on her computer. Her tea sat cold in a mug next to her, still full.

"Hey, Daisy," Simmons said as she enter the aircraft. She sat down next to the girl, Daisy, and took a sip of her own steaming tea.

"Hey, Jemma."

"How's the tribute coming along?"

"It's half-way there. I'll have it done by tomorrow," Daisy continued her fast paced typing and the two girls sat in silence. It had been a rough week. May hadn't spoken much to anyone, and all she did was train. Mack had sent out aid to help fix the destruction of Chicago. Elena had been very quiet, only speaking when spoken to. Jemma has been in her lab, trying to find a way to recreate the Centipede serum. And Daisy had been keeping herself busy. From training, to writing, to helping clean up Chicago, she hadn't stopped moving.

"I'm going to miss him."

Daisy paused. She knew who Jemma was talking about, but she couldn't bring herself to say his name, at least not yet. "Yeah. I do too."

"If you ever want to talk, I'm here. Just let me know."

"The same goes for you, Jemma. Anytime."

Jemma nodded and got up from her sitting position. "I have some lab work I need to finish."

And so, Daisy was left alone again, but it wasn't a bad alone. She sent down her computer to collect her thoughts. She spoke to herself, "I know you would have wanted all of us to move on, but we can't. The person who brought us together, left us on our own. You believed in us, and you didn't stop believing in us. I just wish you had more time. Just, why did it have to be you? The team could have gotten over me much easier. You shouldn't have had to die. Why did you leave us, AC? Why?" At this point, Daisy was sobbing. Her hands were shaking, and she could barely take in air.

May, who was walking back to her room after getting some coffee, heard the crying. She set her mug down on a nearby table and went to investigate. She walked up the ramp and saw Daisy bawling her eyes out. She quickly walked over and sat down in the spot Jemma was just at. Daisy wrapped her arms around herself.

"I miss him, too." May wrapped her arms around the shaking girl and held her in a hug.

"He shouldn't have had to die."

"I know. But he wanted this. He didn't want to cheat death twice. He wanted to save the world rather than himself. And although we will miss him, we will always have a part of him with us."

Daisy nodded and the two just sat there, in silence for the remainder of the night.

I just finished Season 5 (I know I'm late), and I am fricking sad.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D randomnessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon