When They Meet The Avengers

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Melinda May -
May was pretty chill, but she did get to spare with Natasha, and they decided on a draw.

Phil Coulson -
Now, we all know Coulson is a big fan of Captain America. But he also really likes hanging out with Hawkeye and Nat as they worked at S.H.I.E.L.D together.

Skye/Daisy -
Daisy had a slight obsession with Scarlet Witch, seeing as the two both have powers. They both like to tease the others of their team and will team up to prank everyone.

Leopold Fitz -
Fitz and Simmons hang out in the lab with Bruce and Tony and they have debates about equations and stuff.

Jemma Simmons -
Same thing as Fitz.

Grant Ward -
He was knocked out by Hawkeye and was held in a containment room, where he was kept until Hydra broke him out.

Bobbi Morse -
Bobbi and Vision both had a thing for cooking and they both tried to make brownies. Hint: Tried.

Lance Hunter -
Hunter and Sam Wilson had a type of humor that they both spoke together. It was a very strange thing to witness.

Mack -
Hawkeye had always been one of Mack's favorite Avenger, and the two got to practice archery and wood cutting while talking. They both had a great time.

Yo-Yo -
Elena spent her time hanging out with Rhodey. They had a beer, and talked about random things.

Deke Shaw -
Deke spent his entire time at the Avenger's Tower taking to Thor, Spider-Man, and Ant-Man. It was pretty awesome for all of them.

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