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The team once had "The Ultimate Movie Night" as Hunter called it. They set out snacks, pillows, blankets, and more. Fitzsimmons wanted everyone to watch Harry Potter. So they did. All eight movies. May, who was secretly a fan of Harry Potter, started to cast spells at the others. This ended up with everyone running around the base, playing Harry Potter tag.

It was girls against boys. Bobbi and Jemma stuck together and they took over the lab and that hallway. May went off to pick people off, and Daisy went into the hanger. Elena, on the other hand, wandered around the halls and tagged everyone who came her way.

The boys, however, where all huddled together in a closet, scared to venture out into "The Demon's Territory" (Bobbi smacked Hunter for that one). Occasionally, Mack or Hunter would go slightly out into the hallway, but they came barreling back in when they heard the slightest sound. Eventually, the boys made a pact to leave the closet and try to tag the other team. Hunter and Coulson went together and Mack and Fitz went together. They stayed with each other, until Mack and a Fitz stumbled upon Bobbi and Jemma. Simmons, being the evil bean she is, decided to go for Fitz, who she chased down the halls until Avada Kedavra-ing into a door.

Mack and Bobbi had a long, drawn out stare-down. That was, until, Elena came up from behind Mack and Stupify-ed him upside the head. Jemma came back to the small group and they carried their "Hostages" into the lab.

Now, our other group snuck into the hanger, where Daisy was waiting for them. Hunter immediately charged at Daisy, who dodged his attack and went after Coulson. Hunter took this opportunity of Daisy's backturned to him, to Expectro Patronum her in the back. And it was this time, May made her presence known. She Crucio-ed Hunter when he was looking at her, and then began towards Coulson. Coulson, being the smart munchkin he is, took off for the lab. May, who wasn't far behind him, called to the other girls to block him off.

Jemma, Elena, and Bobbi all stood in the hall outside of the lab. Phil ran passed the turn and by the time he realized he was trapped, it was too late. He was surrounded. May approached him from behind and Phil turned around to defend himself. As he did this, Bobbi, Jemma, and Elena all began walking forward. They all reached out their hands to Alohamora Coulson when the hanger doors opened and Robbie, the Keinigs, and Talbot all walked into the hall.

"What in the Firecracker is going on here?" Talbot exclaimed, seeing four women and Coulson  performing what looked to be a summoning circle.

Everyone pointed to May, but not before Bobbi tagged Coulson and Simmons and Elena shouted "We win!" Then, the three girls bolted down the hall, leaving Coulson and May to explain what happened to three very confused people.

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