Chapter Three

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"Care to join me, sweetheart"?

I turned around and there was a man standing there.

His dark black hair looked neat and well groomed.

"Oh uh...sure"!

I almost blushed softly and Tommy smiled at me.

He took my hand into his and we walked to the elevator.

Eric Singer was pulling his wheel suitcase along with him and he ran to catch the elevator before it closes and went up.

He smiled and then noticed that I was standing there.

"Who's this"?

The drummer grinned and I just looked up at him.

"Oh, she's just someone that I saw in the front row at the concert".

Tommy winked at me and this time, I blushed heavily, and you could see it through the makeup.

A few seconds later, the three of us made it to the second floor.

Tommy was still holding my hand.

He took out a key card from his pocket and unlocked the door.

He led me inside and let got of my hand.

"Wait here while I take a quick shower, okay"?

I nodded my head and gave him a small smile.

Tommy smiled and ruffled my hair.


And then he walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

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