Chapter Four

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Just then, the doorknob moved and I let out a yelp.

Tommy had just gotten out of the shower and was wearing a white towel to cover himself.

"Geez, you almost scared the poor girl to death".

And they both let out a little laugh.

Paul smiled at me and then Tommy put on his pajamas.

"Does she have anything to wear"?

The frontman asked the SpaceMan.

Eric Singer then appeared in the doorway, wearing nothing but his underwear.

"I think I've got something that'll fit her".

Tommy was brushing his teeth and then he rinsed his mouth with water.

After that, he spat it out in the bathroom sink.

"Come here, sweetheart. You must be exhausted".

I was still a little bit shy and then Eric threw an old night shirt at me.

It landed on my head and they laughed.

"Why don't you pick on somebody your own size"?

Paul and Tommy were laughing and then Eric threw me a spare pillow.

I grinned and picked up one of Tommy's pillows and threw it back at the Catman.


Eric got hit in the stomach and we all laughed, including the drummer himself.

"Alright, time to settle down. Tommy, help the little lady get comfortable".

The Starchild said and then he winked at me.

Tommy watched as Eric Singer childishly stuck out his tongue and he laughed.

"I'm not little, you're just an old fuss pot".

I sassed at the glamorous Starchild from KISS.

Some of the groupies that were nearby heard me and they burst into laughter.


They snickered and then Doc McGee came in to check on everybody.

"Well, I guess you've met your match Paul".

I picked up a pillow and threw it at their manager.

"Hey, don't do that—-oww"!

Tommy had thrown a pillow at Paul Stanley.

He then laughed and everyone began a fun pillow fight.

I threw two more pillows at the Starchild.


He fell backwards on the bed, holding onto his stomach.

I laughed and the groupies began to record the scene.


Paul grabbed onto me and I tried to pull myself free, but he was too strong.

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