Chapter Twelve

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I didn't say anything for the next two hours.

When Gene finally found a doctor that could help me, he let out a sigh of relief.

The Demon spoke to KISS's manager, and then he told us to start packing.

We got in the tour bus at about 2:00 a.m.

I was feeling really tired, but something was keeping me from falling asleep.

Tommy had already fallen asleep and he had his cheek pressed against the pillow.

Paul was holding my hand because he was worried that I might become paranoid.

Whatever it took, the band didn't care how far away they traveled in the city.

At the next stop, Eric went to go get us some snacks and drinks for the road.

He told me to take a bathroom break, but I was having trouble with my sense of understanding.

Paul smiled gently and repeated what Eric had said to me a second time.

This time, I understood what was said and immediately went to use the restroom.

After I was done, I saw a stranger who was attempting to break into the tour bus.

In no time at all with a burst of speed, I ran over to him and tried to hit him with a beef jerky stick.

The guy turned around and gave me a huge push.

I stumbled backwards and fell on my side.

Tommy Thayer immediately woke up and saw what going on.

"Get away from here"!

He yelled at the bad guy.

The stranger grinned evilly and grabbed me by the arm.

I let out a frightened gasp and then Gene, Paul, and Eric all ran to save me.

Gene kicked the bad guy in the family jewels and the stranger fell down onto his knees in pain.

Paul Stanley quickly led me back inside the tour bus.

He then went and made sure that I was not hurt.

Luckily, I wasn't.

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