Chapter Seven

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A few hours later, we all arrived at our destination.

KISS began to gather up their suitcases and then Paul had to go with Gene to get ourselves checked in at the hotel.

Tommy offered to carry me as I was still groggy from the entire plane trip.

Once I was safely in his arms, the SpaceMan grabbed the handle of his wheeling suitcase with his free hand and he and Eric both began walking towards the front door of the hotel.

Paul and Gene had already got the keys to the hotel rooms.

The four men walked to the elevator to get to the second floor.

Paul saw that I was beginning to wake up.

"She's so cute, isn't she Eric"?

The Catman laughed softly at that.

"Yeah, wait until you see the stuff that I got for her".

Paul smiled when I looked at him and then he ruffled my hair.

When the elevator made it to the second floor, KISS walked towards their hotel room.

Tommy put me back down on my feet and then Paul wanted me to share the room with me.

"Ohhoho, is there something going on with that"?

Gene smirked and everyone laughed.

Paul chuckled and shook head.

"No no, she's young and we have to protect her from dangerous threats. That's what Doc told me yesterday before we got to the hotel".

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