two ☆ we've got a winner

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Waking up the following day, Marie checked her phone. Upon checking her phone, she saw a text from a somewhat familiar number. Clicking on her messages, she saw the number as the one that she had texted the day before. She wondered how it was possible to have even received a text from the number. Reading the message, her jaw dropped. "Grace!" She shouted.

Walking into the room upon hearing her name, the older Santiago of the two girls wore a worried expression. "What's wrong?" Grace questioned.

Marie started to speak, "We..."

"We...what, M?" Grace asked, as she moved closer to her younger sister.

Marie handed her sister her phone, her state of shock nearly rendered her speechless.

"Holy shit, we won!" Grace shouted in surprise.

Marie nodded her head vigorously, her shock somehow gone, replaced with glee.

"Wait," Grace stated, "we have to tell mami and papi that we won. One of them has to fly out with us."

"Right," Marie said, and nodded slowly. "Let's tell them at breakfast—I'd be the best way—and see which one wants to go."

Grace smiled. "Good thinking."

Now at the dining table, the Santiago family ate breakfast; with both daughters just itching to say something about the text that had been received earlier.

"What's going on with you two?" Pedro Santiago asked his daughters.

"Marie entered us into this Sweepstakes thing shown on Disney Channel a few nights ago." Grace said.

"Okay..." Pedro said, unsure of where to go with his thought process.

Marie continued, "It was to get the chance to meet two actors from that movie series that came out a few years ago, and...we won. I got the confirmation text a while ago. You or mami have to fly out of with us, it's for three."

Pedro nodded and then spoke, "Jesus, Marie. You and your celebrities."

"Iré con ustedes dos. Cuando es?" Rosalinda Santiago asked.

"The twenty-third of this month, in a week." Grace stated quickly.

As she gasped quietly, Marie said, "We need to pack."

Grace nodded, and followed her sister into their room after they finished their food.

With the two sisters back in their room, they began to pack for their trip. Though unexpected, their winning the Sweepstakes left them excited. Once the two had everything packed, they put their suitcases by the door.

"I'm nervous." Marie said, and faced Grace.

Grace smiled softly and reassured her sister, "You have nothing to worry about. Cameron and Sofia aren't going to hate you, I'm sure. Calm down, you'll be fine."

"Easy for you to say." Marie stated. "You know me. I ramble—and fail to make sense—almost 24/7. Why would he willingly talk to me?"

Grace snickered. "Don't forget Sofia. Aside from your clockwork type rambling, there are other things he can focus on. So, if you do ramble or whatever, don't worry about it; I'm sure he does that, too. Trust me, you'll be fine."

Marie sighed lowly. "You're right, but even then, I'm nervous. I mean, what if I say something stupid? Plus, I've never met a celebrity before; I've only seen them in concert or on screen, never in person."

Grace nodded as she spoke her next words, "I get it, and I understand. Like I said before, though, you'll be fine; and so will. We'll both be fine."

As she smiled, Marie nodded at her sister's words and tucked herself into her sheets and fell asleep soon after.

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