seven ☆ road tripin'

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Awake in the early morning, Marie laid in bed a while until she turnes toward Grace's side of the room and noticed that her older sister was not there. She grabbed her phone and unlocked it.

private conversation
marie [ marie 👼 ]
grace [ grace 💛 ]

marie 👼
where did you go?

grace 💛

marie 👼
what the hell

grace 💛
i'll only be
gone for the
weekend. you'll
see me on Monday.
love you 💞

marie 👼
okay, see you
soon. have fun.
love you, too 💕

Marie sat up in bed, got ready for her day and then went down to the kitchen. Once she was in the kitchen, she sat with parents to eat breakfast.

"Grace went camping for the weekend." Pedro stated, as he folded up the newspaper he had been reading moments before.

Marie nodded.

Rosalinda spoke as she stood from the table, "Algunas de tus tías vendrán más tarde."

Marie grinned. "I hope tía Esmeralda brings baby Jeremiah."

Pedro nodded, "She's coming, she said so earlier."

Marie grinned, already excited to see some of her aunts. After she ate breakfast and waited for her company to show up, her phone chimed.

cameron 🐨
morning, Marie

marie 👼
morning, Cameron

cameron 🐨
i hope you slept well

marie 👼
i did. same to you.
and, hey...i know
you don't know
me too well but
you don't have to
call me Marie all
the time; you can
call me M if you want

cameron 🐨
alright. well, you
can call me Cam

marie 👼
okay. i hate
to cut this
short, again,
but i've got
company coming
over later. i hope
you have a good
rest of your day, Cam

cameron 🐨
thank you.
you too, M

Marie smiled before putting her phone down. Soon enough, her tias arrived. She greeted her tias and her baby nephew, Jeremiah, before she walked back into the kitchen and made coffee for everyone. Once the coffee was done, she poured them all mugs, took one for herself and spent time with Jeremiah.

As she laid on the floor in front of Jeremiah, she began to make funny faces to make him laugh, smile oddly to make his smile appear or even grabbing his hands and moving them around so that he would start 'dancing'.

While she played with her nephew, she couldn't help but hear some of the conversation that her mother was having with her tias, considering she was in earshot.

"She and Grace met a celebrity...and one of them has been texting her?" Marie's tía Ruth asked.

Rosalinda took a sip of her coffee as she said, "Yes, and he has been so sweet. She told him about her anxiety when dancing with family members and he said that if he had been at Priscilla's wedding, he would have danced with her so that she would not have to deal with her cousins chastising her."

"Such a sweetheart." Esmeralda said.

At the words of her aunt Esmeralda, Marie smiled as her cheeks warmed. She knew that liking him came with consequences, or rather, one potential consequence: the media.

Hours later, after Marie fed her nephew his bottle and he napped beside her, his head resting on a pillow, she sat on the floor and drank her coffee as the bits of the conversation—that she had heard—between her aunts and mother filled her mind.

private conversation
grace [ grace 💛 ]
cameron [ cameron 🦒 ]

grace 💛
hi, cameron

cameron 🦒
hi, Grace.
what's up?

grace 💛
i know you're
busy and all,
and i understand
if you can't or are
unable to do this.
Marie's birthday is
coming up in a few
weeks and, if you're
able to, i was thinking
of having you come as
a surprise for her. do
you think you could?

cameron 🦒
when's her

grace 💛
June 14th,
but our family
likes to have her
party the week
before then

cameron 🦒
i'll see what
i can do

grace 💛
thank you,
i hope you
can make it

cameron 🦒
you're welcome.
i hope i can, too

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