Chapter Three; The Loyalty Test

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Loki was extremely perplexed about the entire situation.
Hearing that the prophecy of his desire to rule Asgard was now circulating the realms, filled him with a heavy sense of dread, which was worrisome to say the least.

After leaving Belle, he'd immediately dispatched a trusted emissary of Odin's to Avonlea, with strict instructions to discreetly make enquiries as to their source.

The other issue he found equally as disturbing, was why Belle seemed to have the effect on him that she did.
If by helping her he'd reverse the prophecy, then surely he'd done more than enough for her now already. But somehow she had managed to make him feel guilty for having handled her roughly.
She'd also impressed him by standing her ground when he became angry. And she'd made his senses almost come undone by...well, not doing anything, other than by being attractive.
Also she'd made him feel as though she....understood some extent.

He chided himself aloud for being so ridiculous.

After all, she didn't know him so how could she possibly even begin to understand him?
And why would he find such a simple, common girl attractive? Admittedly she was strikingly fair of face and form, and certainly didn't look like a peasant, but she was no sophisticated Goddess either.

He reasoned with himself that his response must be the result of it having been so unfathomably long since he'd had a wench. Being so preoccupied with the acquisition of power, then basking in his glory, he'd neglected his more intimate needs.
The thought suddenly occurred to him, that if this was the case then maybe he should just seduce her and get it out of his system.

But no, that was out of the question. She was a mere mortal, just a native of an enchanted world. He was a king as well as a Demi-God, so would not lower his standards. And besides, he wouldn't wish to take advantage of her vulnerability.
His last thought Succeeded in unnerving him. He was being uncharacteristically considerate of her well being.
He owed her nothing.

Was it due to a subconscious paranoia about redeeming himself in order to hopefully reverse the damn prophecy?

He tried convincing himself,
"...that HAS to be it."

Whatever the reasons, he decided he needed her gone as soon as possible. He'd fulfilled his promise to help her, so the sooner she was housed elsewhere the better.

Then hopefully things would return to 'normal' and he wouldn't have to think about it any further.


Belle was momentarily panic stricken when she'd awoken with the sun rise early the next morning.

Confused about where she was, but as she registered the grand, ornate walls and beautiful large four poster bed she was in, she realised it hadn't all been a dream.
She really was in Asgard.

However, she'd not even had time to change back into her dress before there came a pounding upon the chamber door.

Apprehensively she opened it just wide enough to peer around.

Staring back at her was a broad, well built guard. His skin was tanned and he had blonde hair, stubble eyes, that seemed strangely familiar to her.

She asked, eyeing him curiously.

"I've been sent by his majesty to escort you to alternative accommodation"
He responded, with not even the slightest expression on his face.

Belle blinked rapidly at his unexpected announcement.

"But it is so early! I haven't even dressed yet...and am I to leave without seeing the king before I go?"

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