Vanishing Spells

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As Harry closed the wooden doors behind him, he looked around and his eyes stopped at the trunk of a big tree on the grounds of the school. More specifically, at the figure that was seating there, her back against it.

There she was. The reason why he was wandering around in the castle on that sunny Saturday. He couldn't take his mind off her. He knew he shouldn't have those feelings for his best friend's sister. But the thing is: she wasn't just that. He couldn't help but constantly think of her chocolate brown eyes, and her flaming hair.

And being in the Gryffindor common room wasn't helping. Everything there reminded him of Ginny Weasley. Whenever he looked at those chairs, he remembered the times he saw her sitting there, studying or just relaxing, the quidditch stuff reminded him of her great skills, the flames in the fireplace only made him think about her gorgeous hair and well, overall, everything made him think of her.

That's why he decided to take a walk. Maybe it would help him take his mind off her. Well, it obviously didn't work, seeing as, just when he left the castle, there she was.

Not really knowing what he was doing, Harry made his way to that tree.

"Hi, Ginny." He said, when he was close enough for her to hear him, not wanting to speak too loudly. There weren't many people outside, maybe because of the heat. But under the shadow of the trees, it was really nice. Still, he didn't want people to notice them there, people were too interested in who he was with.

"Oh, hi, Harry. Didn't see you there." She said, looking up from her book.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"Just trying to understand Transfiguration, thought some fresh air could help." She answered, shrugging.

"I could help you with that, you know? Many people call me the master of Transfiguration." He said with a smirk, sitting down next to her.

"I'm sure no one calls you that."

"Anyways..." Harry continued, ignoring what she had said. "What are you studying?" He looked down at her book.

"I'm trying to perform the vanishing spell on this flower." She said, showing him a white daisy, with 2 petals missing. "Bit the most I can do is to make a petal vanish."

"You're probably doing something wrong."

"I'd worked that much out for myself, funnily enough." Ginny said, ironically.

"Ha. ha. How funny. You didn't let me finish."

"I'm sorry. Go on, then, master of Transfiguration." She replied, holding back laughter.

"Try it again, I want to see how you do it." He said, nodding at the flower in Ginny's hand.

Ginny pointed her wand at it and said: "Evanesco!" One of the petals vanished.

"See? It doesn't work!" She said with a frustrated look on her face.

"It's probably the hand movement. Try doing it more like... hum... like..."

"Like what?"

"Like this" Harry said, putting his hand on the one she was holding her wand with. Feeling his touch, Ginny felt a shiver go through her spine and the same happened to Harry, but both of them pretended like nothing happened.

After a few seconds, Harry came back to his senses.

"Now, say the words and I'll move your hand." He said.

"Okay. Evanesco!" Harry moved her hand and, a second later, the flower was gone.

"I did it!" Ginny exclaimed, turning to face Harry.

"You did!"

Just then, they realised how close their faces were and that Harry's hand was still holding Ginny's, but neither one let go. Their smiles vanished.

"I really want to kiss you right now." Harry muttered.

"Oh." was the only thing Ginny said.

"Did I just say that outloud?" Harry said, his face turning almost as red as Ginny's hair.

"Hum... Yeah, you did."

"Well, I guess it's true..."

"So why don't you do it?"

"Hum... well... you... you're Ron's sister..."

"Do you really care about that?"

"Not really." With that, Harry pulled Ginny by her waist, letting go of her hand, and kissed her softly, but full of passion and will. That was what both of them had been waiting for for so long and it was finally happening.

After a second, Ginny kissed back and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck. They deepened the kiss and only pulled away when they were out of breath.

"I really like you, Gin. I was wondering..." Harry said, in a low tone and Ginny just looked at him, waiting for him to keep on.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He muttered and looked at her, nervously.

After a few seconds, Ginny smiled and kissed him again, this time pulling away quickly.

"Was that a yes?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, was it?" She replied, smirking, but Harry just gave her a look.

"Okay, yes. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." Ginny said, grinning.

And they kissed again, this time a kiss with more energy, joyful.

When they pulled away, they just sat there, cuddled in each other's arms, occasionally sharing a few kisses. Just enjoying that. Enjoying that moment and getting used to the fact that she was his and he was hers. They sat there until the sun set, when they got up and walked to the castle, holding hands.


A.N.: I'm sorry this is a bit longer than usual, I hope you don't mind :) If you liked it, please vote and always feel free to comment whatever you want to 💛

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