Chapter 9 - A Familiar Face

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"If you see anything you like, just let me know, okay?" your mom chirped as the two of you explored one of the shopping malls in town, "Especially if it's a decoration for the house!"

"Aren't we supposed to be browsing, instead of buying?" you teased, recalling the conversation your dad had with your mom about over spending.

"Well... yeah, but..." she trailed off, gnawing on her thumb nail. She had always been a very active spender when it came to decorating houses, which was one of the reasons your dad had requested you tag along with her to the mall, otherwise she might end up buying a little too much.

"Mom," you pressed, giving her a knowing look.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," she muttered, running a hand through her hair and taking a deep breath, "We're just looking, not buying."

You nodded, shifting your gaze around the various stores to see if there was anything of interest. Nothing seemed to really catch your eye, though your mom did find a few things she made a note to check out later when her and dad went on a little shopping trip.

"Hey!" a voice called out.

You blinked, reflexively turning in the direction the voice had come form, finding an unfamiliar face. She had a wide smile on her lips as she bounced up to you, waving, "Hey," she repeated, a little quieter, "Um, you probably don't remember me, but I was with you during auditions, and I just thought I'd come over and say congratulations for getting into the band," she rambled, lightly twisting a few strands of her blond hair between her pointer finger and thumb.

"Hi," you greeted, returning her smile, "I'm (Y/N)," you held out your hand for her to shake.

"Amanda," she replied, shaking your hand, "So, what's it like being in the Lumbermax?" she asked, "I was pretty disappointing when I didn't get in—I've always been interested in music and joining a band—but I was glad you got in! It was a pretty close competition, and I was proud I made it to the final two!"

You nodded a long as she spoke, overwhelmed with how fast she was speaking, a never ending stream of words leaving her mouth. She seemed so shy when you had first seen her at the auditions, but the more you thought about it, you silently recalled she was the one who had engaged the group of girls in conversation in the first place.

"—Anyways, I was hoping we could be friends, and maybe we could even practice singing together some time?" her voice slowly shifted back into a normal pace, "Um, sorry, I just..." she trailed off, still twisting her hair with her finger and thumb, gaze shifting off to the side, "I talk really fast when I get excited..." she gave a small shrug, turning back to you, "Anyways, how have you been?" her gaze looked apologetic.

"It's been pretty fun," you smiled, "The guy's have really helped me improve a lot," you pulled out our phone from your pocket, "And I'd be happy to hang out. It'd be nice to have another friend in this town," you pulled up your contacts and hit the "create new" button, "What's your number?" you asked, looking up from your phone.

Amanda raddled off her number, as you typed it out into your phone, sending her a quick message consisting of a gif that showed a snake tipping  a bowler hat, with the caption "Ssssalutations."

"(Y/N)!" your mom called from one of the stores, poking her head out of the open double doors, "They have the cutest throw pillows in here!" she chirped.

"Remember, we're just looking!" you replied, teasingly. You turned back to Amanda, "Feel free to shoot me a text whenever, and we'll make plans to meet up," you offered a small smile towards her.

"Right!" she quickly replied, smile unwavering, "It was really nice seeing you again," she took her hand in yours, shaking it rapidly, "And if you ever need me for anything, just call me whenever," she started rambling again, words coming out clumped together, "I can't wait to hear how much you've improved, and I'm super excited to hear what you think about my voice as well!" she dropped her grip on your hand, quickly shoving her hands in her pockets.

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