Chapter 10 - An End to a Beginning

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"Mijo, could you please keep an eye on your sister," Melvin's mom spoke quickly as she gathered up her belongings, keeping her phone pressed between her ear and shoulder, "I have to run to work really quick," she explained, offering him an apologetic look before glancing towards the phone, "Yes, Daniel, I'm on my way," she reassured the stressed man on the other end, "Try to use that breathing exercise we talked about."

He didn't have any time to reply as she exited through the front door, muttering under her breath about how it was supposed to be her day off. He sighed, turning to look at Sophia, who was eagerly clapping along to the show that was on, bouncing excitedly in her small seat, gurgling words that could probably only be understood by other babies.

"Well..." he trailed off, looking around at the dishes that had been scattered around the kitchen during his mom's hasty exit, "Time to clean up," he stood up from his seat at the dining room table, rolling up his sleeves. He had hoped to join the guys at (Y/N)'s apartment, but it looked like he had other plans. It didn't bother him too much, after all, he knew his mom was busy most days. He'd just have to let them know he couldn't make it.


"Hey, Melvin, you home?" Max called as he knocked on the front door, "We came to see how your side quest was going."

There was a beat of silence before footsteps were heard and the door opened. Melvin gave his three friends a faint smile as he carefully shifted Sophia in his arms, "Hi, sorry I couldn't make it," he replied, gently rocking his sister as she coed in excitement, hands out stretched to try and tug at Melvin's hair that was too short for her to grab.

"Ah, so that's what was holding you up," Lyle smiled, giving a light wave to Sophia, who was still focused on her brother's hair, "Mind if we come in?" he asked, putting his focus back to Melvin, "I actually had something I wanted to discuss with all of you in person."

Melvin gave a small nod, "Sure," he stepped aside, allowing the three boys into the house, "My parent's are out, so we've got the place to ourselves," he explained, walking over to the living room and carefully placing Sophia in her playpen. She excitedly grabbed at one of her rattles, giving it an energetic shake and laughing at the sounds it made.

Max and Lyle took a seat at the sofa, while Sean sat on the floor beside the playpen, playing peek-a-boo with Sophia, who seemed rather invested in the game. Melvin sat down in the recliner, stretching out his arms. After the long morning he had, it was nice to just sit down and relax.

"So," Lyle began, not missing a beat to show the group what he had discovered, "I had been putting it off for a while," he pulled out his phone from his pocket, "But I finally had time to do some research on (Y/N)—"

"Stalk her, you mean," Max chimed in, a smirk on his face.

The blond ignored the statement, skimming through his most recently watched video's, "I didn't find much about her, aside form the standard instagram, twitter, facebook," he made a gesture with his hand, "You get the gist," he clicked on, what looked like, a music video, allowing the screen to load before pausing it, "Well, you know how thorough I like to be, so I did a little more digging," he paused, turning his phone on it's side, allowing Max and Melvin to get a good look at his screen, "And I just so happened to find this..."

Sean continued to keep Sophia company as the faint sound of an advertisement was played, talking about the fifth season of a show that he had never heard of about a scientist that could travel through different dimensions and go on adventures with his grandson.

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